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Posts posted by samsung1080p

  1. whoever linked this thanks - kinda strange, i wrote this 2 years ago. this is my old blog about art, Philly, design, getting blasted, etc. etc. in general. i'm not from baltimore, this isn't even an "article" dudes, and im not a student at mica or any art school(guess im on the right side of that played out debate). sorry if you clicked on the link expecting a piece about the best bmore graffiti, but that's not what it's about. basically it was a blog post about a weekend i spent in baltimore seeing the deathset, fucking a beautiful woman, and catching quick tags n throwups(like i care). as far as kos being the best or worse, uhhhh, all i know is KRISP put me on ago, and i appreciate that, kinda homo, but still appreciated. and "dry snitch" wtf, i smoke weed everyday, and did shrooms last weekend. anyways you can check out the new site at http://www.5thandprospect.com - its basically a log of inspiration for a shop im opening up in philly. btw i have nothing but respect for baltimore, and always looking to come down or exhibit tight shit.


    this is funny.how did you hear we were having a great debate about this ?

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