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Posts posted by SwampFightOner

  1. Even though he's not very energetic these days, has a bald spot, and will not stop shitting all over my floor, I still love this little bastard




    And this muthafucka annoys me to no end with his nonstop, constant crying if I'm not paying attention to him, but he's so damn cute when he wants to just surf the interweb with me that I can't help but love him



  2. They once charged me like $800 to hold my kitten overnight. They literally gave him an x-ray of his stomach, and fed him water through a tube. Now I can see a few hundred bucks for the x-ray, but really?


    The next day they told me it was stomach cancer and there was nothing they could do, but thankfully it was only $15 to kill him :rolleyes:


    I wanted to ask the cunt how she could possibly look at herself in the mirror everyday

  3. I payed $500 already, but that's all they'll get. I fuckin hate vets, bitch made it seem like the $500 was gonna fix the problem, then after I paid went into this long widned speech about where we went from there.


    I wish I would of known that shit beforehand, I would of just walked out the door after he got his shot...GOOD LUCK TRACKING ME DOWN TO PAY ASSHOLES!

  4. He's already been diagnosed with adrenal disease, but no course of action made even the slightest sense. It basically amounted to spendng 2 grand, then turning around and spending another 2, and then turning around to spend another 2, running in a circle until all the treatments rendered all the others useless.


    It's fuckin horrible, but I've tried to just make peace with it, and I'm enjoying any time I have left with him. Here's to hoping it's at least another year or two

  5. Me and my ex used to fight about the definition of an alcoholic quite a bit, because she would try to throw it at me all the time when she was pissed. I might of drank alot more and alot more often, but both her parents were raging alcoholics, and she'd get really mean after even one drink sometimes. I don't know, but to me that's alot worse

  6. For the last 3 or 4 years I haven't gone more than a few days sober at a time (except for the first 45 days of my house arrest, and 10 days in prison), and even those 2 or 3 days stretches are very rare. I usually get drunk at least 6 nights out of the week, usually 7.


    That said, I still don't think of myself as an alcoholic really. I don't (usually) drink during the day, I don't drink alone, I just happen to go out and hang out at bars with my friends almost every night haha

  7. I feel like I might of told this story before on here, but my boy Gerad once caught a rabid squirrel and held it in a fishtank in his basement for a few days before it went all foamy in the mouth and died.


    He named it "Jamal the Rabid Thanksgiving Squirrel"

    • Like 1
  8. I know you cant have nice things on 12oz, but due to the super amazing high quality nature of the last 9 pages, Irishmen are officially banned from getting their irish up... in this thread.


    Also, posts must be limited type. Anybody who writes a paragraph will be shot.

    And all posts must be at least 7 images deep (ideally a full 20) and only of the highest quality frames.

    Quality is still more important than quantity.

    And if you dont like this thread, be a gentleman and just neg me. No posts required.

    Keep in mind too my props are over SEVEEEEEN THOUUUUUSAAAAAAAND and I'll neg the shit out of you.


    I'm going to neg you, but only because you are making this some SRS INTERNET BUSINESS.




    That said, I really like this


  9. One of my parent's dogs just had puppies yesterday, they're fucking adorable and mad beastly already. She had them about 7 hours apart, and it seems like there's still something in her stomach, but it's been like 14 hours since the second one, so probably not?


    Anyways, first one




    Numero dos




    And the obligatory "Mommy, Mommy, Mommy" shot




    At first she was mad uncomfortable with the puppies, and I was worried she was gonna smother them, so I stayed over and slept on the couch to keep an eye on em. When I woke up today all was well, and she seems to be gettin used to em now

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