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Posts posted by SwampFightOner

  1. and you cannot imagine how bad it sucks to see the street you have shit on in an episode, camera pans around, but just not quite far enough to catch your shit.

    it happens


    I can't even count how many times I got fucked by Brotherhood, no homo

  2. :eek:







  3. -have at least 10 sim cards on hand pre loaded with money and only ever text msg.

    -take the battery out your phone when you want too go somewhere or do something important.

    -use hushmail, and only on public computers, switch email addresses every week.

    -meet in public, talk off subject and just pass notes back and forth, then burn em yourself.

    -don't ever use blackberry pin's.

    -don't ever use pay phones.

    -never tell bitches what you do.

    -use predetermined drop offs and pick ups.

    -never have product and cash in the same place.

    -never drive in a car with product, walk or take public transit.


    Never make a dollar because people are weirded out by crazy paranoid drug dealers

  4. when you get arrested you no longer have to be read your miranda warnings. Look up the details of this, you'll be amazed/discouraged/enraged/enlightened.


    I've been arrested more times than I care to admit in the last 7 years, and was never once read my Miranda Rights. I mentioned that to my lawyer once and he laughed, same way he did when i told him the cops beat my ass.


    "Unless there's a priest, a nun, and two video cameras there there's not really anything to do"

  5. Re: I wanna see your...........PETS!


    are they grackles? i hate grackles, they dive at my dogs and eat the neighbors peanuts on my porch(the wife's allergic..). 1 followed me for half a mile on the train tracks 2 weeks ago screaming the whole time that it was vulture circling me..


    I just Googled a picture of a grackle, and that's exactly what they are...fuckin birds are wild. I can't wait til the cats finish killing them.


    And I also hope those are his cats, that picture is awesome

  6. Speaking of the cat I took home from Virginia, this was my Facebook status yesterday, figured I'd share:


    "I'm at my parent's crib and there's an animal war going on right now. My parent's cat and my sister's cat (which lives nextdoor) have been systematically murdering a family of birds, and now the birds are fighting back! They're straight up chasing after, screeching at, and attacking the cats, I've never seen anything like it haha"


    True story.

  7. Re: I wanna see your...........PETS!


    drama last week... my neighbor a few doors down has mad cats. she gets strays fixed then releases them back to the neighborhood. there might be a dozen strays around my house.. the neighbor across the alley from me (they're new in town) asked her to stop feeding the cats so he could trap them. he said they'd go to good homes. the cat lady was upset and called animal control to see if it was all legit. Animal control told her how the humanes society was too full and that it was legit (she gave dude the traps) but all the cats had to be put down due to lack of room. Havok ensued.. slandering on facebook at the animal control officer, they had asked me (i have panels in my yard that i paint) to make a sign and point it at the liing neighbor. anyways, if i'm getting involved i want all sides of the story. i talked to the humane officer and convinced her to let me have the cats n with help from the cat lady, we'd find them good homes.. 90% of the strays we've caught sofar are domesticated and not feral. ferals go to a different cat lady with pens for them, the nice ones are being kept by the cat lady (most of them are different litters from the same mother) til they get a home.. woohoo, and there is peace in the hood again. while the guy who started wanting to trap them is sort of douchey, i've talked to him and he had a reasonable excuse for wanting them out, they've sprayed the swing on my deck before also, so i am glad it is all having a happy ending.


    I would of beat that new neighbor's ass, I actually really like stray cats. I think it's cause as a kid I used to visit my grandma in Virginia every summer (which I still try to do, but back then it never failed), and she had a HUGE colony of cats living in the woods around her house. I'm talking she would feed up to like 50-60 cats at a time.


    I actually took a cat home from there one year, who my parent's still have 12 years or so later. I can also think of 6 or 7 other pet cats I've had that were just picked up off the street, because Providence, like most other cities, has an absurd amount of strays.

  8. Word up, X-Man was real cool aside from the whole smelling the yard up thing. He got in a beef outside one day and ran some other punk ass skunk out of our yard, but when I heard the screeching at first and didn't know what was going on my drunk ass started yelling at Manute and HATER "FUCKIN BATS! CLOSE THE WINDOW!" :lol: :lol:

  9. Before I met my ex and had her move in with me she lived at her grandma's in the sticks, and her grandma had raccoons that would come in the house and eat out of her hand, shit's weird.


    At one of my old apartments we had a skunk living in our backyard who was HUGE, and had a big white X across his back. X-Man was cool, and I actually almost pet him once or twice when drunk, but I never let him in the house

  10. in korea i saw a dunkin donut in every corner like starfucks is here in the u.s.


    Word? I didn't know they were really poppin outside of the Northeast.


    Starbucks isn't big here at all, less than 5 I can think of off the top of my head

  11. I don't drink coffee, but I'm from RI so everyone I know basically is obsessed with it. Fun fact, we have both the highest number and highest density of coffee/donut shops per capita in the country, with 342 in the state. Dunkin Donuts, at one point, had 225 alone...in a 1,542 square mile state. That's madness


    I will occasionally fuck with a coffee coolata from Dunkin, those are good

  12. Like I said, ferrets are really smart, and can definitely be taught to do alot of things. Mine came when I called him, although I'm not 100% sure how common that is, I'd guess it's kind of a toss up, like with a cat.


    I don't think rats do anything of the sort

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