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Posts posted by SwampFightOner

  1. I've had a gun to my head before as well, but don't think jumping out of a plane is something I'd wanna do haha.


    I DID really wanna go parasailing on my last trip to VA Beach, but the ex was scared of everything and I didn't think it'd be really fun alone...next time

  2. The picture with the 5 girls are all smashes, except the middle one may be fat. She'd have to stand up for me to make a definitive choice.


    That fat bitch with a mustache, definite trash. Anorexic schoolgirl is a trash. PBR bitch is smash. Tribe is trash. Above is another one who may be fat, but from that picture I'd say probably smash/at least let suck dick

  3. We used to find Hustlers and Penthouse all over the place at the work sites and housing developments and that lead to a nearly 20 year porn addiction. .


    Construction workers and other such types love to have porn at work, huh?


    First time I ever actually found porn was in an abandoned house being remodeled. Also, just a few months ago I found a Playboy from the 70's inside a wall of a warehouse I was doing demo on.


    I don't usually do much of my pr0nz viewing with other men, so it seems kinda weird to me

  4. I still have a headache from last night's drunken shenanigans, and have to be up at 7:30 tomorrow, so I said I wasn't going out, and took some sleeping pills a few hours ago. However, I have to go outside to park my car, and I can feel the thoughts creeping in of swinging by the bar for "just a drink or two"

  5. Awesome user name.


    I got wayyyyy too drunk last night, and only remember bits and pieces of what happened. To make matters worse, I also had 3 or 4 dreams in which I got way too drunk, and only remembered bits and pieces of what happened. Basically, when I woke up my whole perception of reality was fucked, and I felt like I was living in Inception or some shit.


    I also had a fucking viscous headache for like 5 hours, one of those ones that makes you crazy dizzy. Oh well, it's all gone now, so time to start drinking again!

  6. sell some drugs to someone and have your boys rob them. works every time


    My brother told me one day he was selling a pound of bud to some college kids, then got a phone call that someone else wanted it, so he punched the kid in the face and walked back out of the apartment with the pound and the money. Not even close to the coolest/"toughest" robbery story I've ever heard, but definitely the funniest :lol:


    Also, this was probably 15 years ago, so any law enforcement monitoring can rest easy

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