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Posts posted by SwampFightOner

  1. Re: I wanna see your...........PETS!


    This is my cat Bob and Alfie, Bob thinks she's a dog and comes on our walks with us. She follows me everywhere, she'll come to the shop sit outside and cry until I come out. People in my neighbourhood think I'm absolutely mental.


    My cat used to follow me to kindergarten and then walk along the windowsill outside the class for awhile before going home. He was fuckin awesome. RIP Shockey

  2. Ten years later in a church basement,


    "At the height of my addiction I was engaging in oral sex with other men and justifying it by what tee shirt I was wearing, boy am I glad I got sober"


    I also think AA is retarded, but holy shit this was a good retort LOL

  3. Eh, when I was 19 I was dating this black chick who loved to dome up. Being black, she loved fried foods. After a nice meal of fried shrimp and hushpuppies and a blunt for me I decided I wanted a nice braining session. She would take it deep like crazy, choking herself status. I didn't have to do shit. Well problem with crazy doming sessions is it stimulates the gagreflex. Half digested shrimp/fried grossness all over me.


    I've had two girls puke on my dick, bitches couldn't hang haha

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  4. could you please give some more details on the cases and the people who were involved with them?


    "Simon has stated that he originally set out to create a police drama loosely based on the experiences of his writing partner Ed Burns, a former homicide detective. Burns, when working on protracted investigations of violent drug dealers using surveillance technology, had often been frustrated by the bureaucracy of the Baltimore police department; Simon saw similarities with his own ordeals as a police reporter for The Baltimore Sun."


    The guy who plays The Deacon:


    "Melvin Williams was actively involved with drug trafficking throughout the 1970s and early 1980s. During that time Williams was periodically arrested on minor charges. In the early 1980s federal agents along with the Baltimore Police Department launched an investigation into his activities. One of the investigators working on the case was Ed Burns. On December 6, 1984 Williams was arrested on cocaine trafficking charges. On February 7, 1985, he was convicted and sentenced to 34 years in prison. He served part of his sentence in the Lewisburg Federal Penitentiary. In May 1987, the Internal Revenue Service assessed taxes in the amount of $425,055 and seized the Williams home. While still in prison his life story was featured in a series of articles written by future The Wire creator David Simon. "Easy Money: Anatomy of a Drug Empire" a series of five articles was published in the Baltimore Sun in 1987. Williams was released on parole in 1996.


    In March 1999 he pistol whipped a man over a $500 debt. Williams, who at the time was on parole and had an extensive criminal record, was sentenced to 22 years in prison in December 2000 after one mistrial. However his sentence was reduced by the same judge who imposed the original 22 year term. He was released from prison in September 2003."


    Snoop also did time for murder, as well as Omar's boy Donnie having been a major, real life stick up kid

  5. Seems weird to me to question the authenticity of The Wire, when the shows creators, writers, and even some actors were involved in major cases much like the show is based around. It's definitely not a documentary, but if you think drug networks aren't like big corporations and aren't run by extremely sophisticated criminals, I don't know what to tell you.


    Barksdale and Marlo aren't supposed to be like the retards on First 48

  6. Re: Oh deer! It looks like my night just got a bit more interesting. (weak stomachs beware


    Yeah, if I really feel the need to tell a story about some weird shit someone did on 12oz, I usually just say "so I know this guy who..."


    Once I tell the story it's usually fucked up enough that no one questions it or wants to meet them anyway.


    Same here, I can't bring myself to talk about my participation in an internet forum with normal people

  7. My sister called me today saying her evil cunt mother in law was about to toss out 3 kittens in the street, so she grabbed them and wanted to know if I could find them a home.


    Some lady off Craigslist took one, one of my ex's took another, but my br0ther grabbed the cutest one. About 5 weeks old, this little muthafucka don't wanna sit anywhere but on the back of your neck, he was on my br0 the entire time we walked around Petco haha



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  8. "Seriously tho the 12 is so fucking full of homophobic comments its actually getting lame. The ideals behind this board are completely opposite of those. Why is this allowed to keep happening? Keep that shit outta the oontz, take your hate to http://www.stormfront.org if you're gonna be retarded." - Knife Hits RS, in the Spitfire's banned thread.


    I actually can't even tell if he's trolling, or trying to let us all know he's a filthy sodomite

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