Re: Dear ________, - no homo
Dear Malin,
Stop debating whether or not to go to Aldofo's for a breakfast burrito. Just get off your ass and go. Or you can just take some Xanax, drink some coffee and shower. Get over it already and go. Your hungry. Just deal with the fact of facing society and interacting with other humans. I'll make you a deal. Take a shower, make sure you scrub that ass real good this time, put on some clean clothes, drink some coffee, Pop a few Xanax, wait for the Xanax to kick in, go get that mouth watering burrito, eat it, come back home immediatly, and clean this fucking pig sty of a shit hole you call a home. Then maybe you can do some drawing and I will stop bugging you about how lazy you are. For fucks sake it's 65 degrees outside. If you accomplish all this in a timley manner, I will think about letting you apply the drawing you'll do to a beautiful virgin boxcar this evening. But that's even a maybe. If you scrubb your ass properly.
Love Always,
Your Brain.
P.S. Your a fucking jerk and I hate you for all those years of drugs you made me expericene with you. Maybe this is why I give you such a hard time.