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Everything posted by Malin

  1. False. The person below me is horney right now.
  2. False.Gross. But I wish I could. The person below me has used spit as a means of lube.
  3. True. Penis enlargment. For real. I'd have that shit at least 9 inches. 12 inches tops. The person below me chews on their pencils when drawing.
  4. True. Allergies suck. The person below me has pulled a train on random groupie.
  5. True. The person below me is chewing gum.
  6. False. Average at best. The person below me likes poking fun at peoples misfortunes.
  7. True. It tastes kind of sweet. The person below me has tasted there own wad out of curiosity
  8. False. I need to I got talons and shit. The person below me has swallowed a penny, nickel, or quarter.
  9. No worries. False. Life is good. The person below used to cut themselves as a teenager for attention.
  10. Sad but true. No joking. It sucked. Cheemo, Radiation the whole nine. In remission right now. The person below does not beleive me.
  11. Edit. sorry guys. The person below me like ham.
  12. False. I know he's real. Well, the bad santa anyway. I caught him with my step mom a few years back in Macy's dressing room. The person below me is really hairy. Everywhere.
  13. True. Popped a few earlier. The person below me watches Spoongebob Square Pants.
  14. True. The person below me wants to know what Milk Grenades looks like.
  15. False. Gross. The person below me is Jewish.
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