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Everything posted by remainunderated

  1. same here i've been shot and stabbed someone, hella vivid too shit's crazy.
  2. i would burn two joints before climbing up there shit is tight.
  3. am trying to say that your post was great,good job man high five!
  4. bump the ghost attachment on the first page 206!!
  5. those windows are fucking incredible i wish i could do stuff like that.
  6. i forgot what i was going to say.
  7. that video thing is tight,i felt like i was playing a grand theft auto game.
  8. is not like america is gonna go broke helping haiti.
  9. i only like banksy's paintings....and am i the only one who thinks it really isnt him in that movie??
  10. yo forsit is that you really gettin slapped on that video?
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