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Everything posted by TheHoodedFigure

  1. love that old neos with the Pfiz! any old flicks of neos hands from way back when?
  2. sorry for the weird crop, my dumbass caught my face in the reflection
  3. It's a nice little city with a little of everything; a decent freight yard, too. Only thing it needs is a subway... :D
  4. hahaha forgot i found this, this was from a while ago....
  5. ah my dude smok the True Vandal King monster! if you're on 12oz hit me up!
  6. Maybe I'm wrong, but I think Wallberg's saying to Pres that for not being a writer, he sure caught feelings enough from the "beef" to thoroughly fantasize about fept's past:
  7. speaking of them, I noticed these in the Harrisburg yard:
  8. i fucks with those cyst throws...and that second flick caught a buff i believe...
  9. looks like the sky's about to fall, eerie. cool pics.
  10. haha. Fept's been active lately. Been seein' new shit pop up downtown and then another night it was all through second street.
  11. Speaking of shit, hate to bear the bad tidings, but the kids don't know what to respect these days...
  12. Side note: this dude Quak from Philly came through and went over Cyst's piece. Shame.
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