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Posts posted by 2drunk4U

  1. (My 2cents...Please forgive me)


    His shit (shok) is still riding on 101...

    When we start seeing in physical (not on 12oz) ...people getting hacked in good spots...

    theeeen we can preach to the choir...other then that..its equivalent to gevs handling beef

    for yerb...


    people talking about others not stepping in other peoples beef...haha...funny shit...



    it will get hacked. we just start with the stuff he spend more time doing. plus your the only one in here that pretty much doesn't go to spots. other people see it when they go paint a spot. so you should stop with your only12oz ppl see it. coz that aint true. your more of a part timer"only streets" you paint once a month..... when we actually paint any surface we see. highways,streets,tunnels,old buildings. most kids in here do too. sorry if it doesn't fit your graffiti hip hop standards king.



    G didn't handle any beef for yerb, he just dissed some tok shit. YOU and tok were dissing yerb. he was solo. and well he is 2d4. you have beef with a member then he will get some help especially if hes out numbered. you had tok dissing ppl for you, or him painting stuff for you. obnoxious got on the ban waging to diss tng. so you tell me......

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  2. 2yv9qaa.jpg




    don't hack abuke coz then 2d4 will b hacking you. abuke has beef with lcm and you got in there business for no reason, maybe coz they feed you some bullshit. its better if you let them handle there own.. you don't see 2d4 getting in lcm and abukes/tngs beef. we got his back no matter what and he knows. but that beef is there thing. no one elses.

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