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Everything posted by 404

  1. 404

    Epic Moron

    404 (8:11:32 PM): hey did you hear prestons brother died? marycolleen23 signed off at 8:11:41 PM.
  2. I'll give you a dollar if you can tell me who Rory is
  3. this shit is really fucking depressing for some reason
  4. shit, probably motley krue/aerosmith in late 06... seein atmosphere next month
  5. 404


    nobody lends this nigga a pencil
  6. http://www.last.fm/user/Vuer
  7. true, as long as it's not lite the person below me drives a buick
  8. word up, niggas is snoozin
  9. Post it up if you do http://www.last.fm
  10. got a few and olse, 24'd
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