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Everything posted by kious

  1. FUCK THE WORLD. i would stick my dick in this shit since it is as good as sex anyway. /whateva
  2. after a long night of cheap beer and the bathroom being occupied, i went outside to piss. being a busy street and not wanting to get bitched at by the owner of the house for pissing outside , i rush it and lo and behold, the back of my britches are warmer and wetter than they should have been.
  3. ya. it was on a freight train. it was fucking awesome. i suggest everyone try it, at least for a few days. most of you will withdraw in a few hours but try it anyway.
  4. Stay out of train yards at all costs. Nothing good will come of it.
  5. http://www.isp.state.il.us/sor/photos/E01A06971.jpg
  6. false. tpbm can drink 12 beers in an hour
  7. And if at all possible, avoid downtown Los Angeles
  8. If you find yourself in either Montgomery , Alabama or Cleveland, Ohio, pack up and get out because you just fucked up.
  9. for what should have been an easy trip, i had me a hell of a time getting from montgomery to st. louis. next stop, chicago. ride free.
  10. i dont know to much about this,but i do have good FRIEND that has done and still is.and he says the same stuff rock on rusty!
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