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Posts posted by Phere

  1. also for those complainin about bein told to do simples, theres a reason behind it.. we're not bein mean or nuthin.. simples help you get used to the different letters structure and help you get an ideal on how to space them.. every graffiti artist has started with simples its the first step and an important one that you cant skip if you plan to stay in this game long..

  2. unfinished


    im startin to like this whole chaos sketch page thing...


    did two pages of your name Cruise to get used to the letters but this is turnin out to be the best one so after i finish the center piece imma ink em all and post the finished product...

  3. because you obiviously came here lookin for a fight which isnt what this thread is about..

    its a place where beginners can post pieces and get advice...

    you asked for crits and i gave you my opinion.. like i always say take it or leave it..

    its my opinion.. im through wastin time talkin bout this..

    time to finish workin on this exchange..


  4. also the little curl on the top left of the I is too round compared to right side..

    same for the bottom of the I.. the left side looks deflated compared to the right..

    these are just my opinions tho.. take em or leave em.. its your piece and style..

  5. thanx virtue, even though i think the only thing i have worth envying is a bunch of free time to practice.. other than that im nuthin special..


    void: im kinda feelin that piece.. if you work on the consistency of the letter widths and throw a 3d in too add some depth i think it would pop..

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