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Posts posted by Riss

  1. I dont either after reading it again, im sorry for being that asshole. My way of asking attention is to attack the status quo or the people embodying it i guess... I should grow up, and im sorry...


    ahahah for a minute there I thought you lost it Shin.

  2. The fuck's wrong with T all of a sudden?


    Btw React that next to last joint you did had a fresh R though..


    yomammasaho I ain't a jukebox =[ You fishing for an exchange?


    edit: here's one anyway =]


  3. See, I don't like that. It does have style, but the core letters are mostly as "inoriginal" as any of the other stuff in here. It's just disguised with a lot of fancy shit. I wouldn't be able to read it if I drove past it on the tracks..

    But that's just my humble opinion. Just I wouldn't have my panties up in a bundle cause the rest of the fuckers in here are oh so generic. So chill :)

    Btw I'm not saying it's not good, but I personally don't like it.

    • Like 1
  4. Peanut I disagree on the drippyness. The letters are still there. You might not feel the style, but it's just a way to mix it up a little as opposed to doing another regular-ass sketch. Diversity is always good.

    and when I did the Lous sketch I wanted to think it said lotus too lol...

    Btw you fancy an exchange? If yes, what do you write?







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  5. lol xoxox.. A lot of em suck I know, it's just quick shit and can't be bothered to fix any flaws/do something better. (wich sucks in itself lol)... But I'm doing my thing. Wont stop switching it up..


    j6250 tbh I think that when I don't have writers block and shit I manage to do some halforiginal shit...

    I think that AudiOliver was original too, and alts also have a pretty different style. So I dunno what you're on about.

    I'd like to see some shit from you though..




  6. Yeah normally I'd say that, if it was a pretty low down crew. The problem is VIMS is close connected with MOA and ALL and it's not at all a low down crew. It's an infamous old school crew.


    I lik the revenge idea but I think the Hulk could've been doper. Dope nonetheless..


    Cani you def. got that symmetrical style locked down pretty good. Symmetrical shit is normally not my thing but it's still fresh.

  7. Btw bump these


    Those colors pop..


    Maybe I'll finish this on my next break idk

    the Z is in it's own world, maybe I can balance it

    all out when I get to the M..QUYZM



    I agree with Armand, you definitely got better in you Sev


    just an outline, not happy with this, it is too busy I think



    just some random doodle





    random word sketch, i think ill paint this one

    anybody down for an exchange pm me



    ^ HA, that sketch is fire.



    Are you familiar with the swedenbased VIM/VIMS crew? Yeah, you probably shouldn't write that.

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