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Everything posted by OldSalem

  1. Bump the flicks!!! I wish Lawst would get off his lazy ass and paint as much as he was 6 years ago.Kid has a retarded amount of talent. Justsayin buddy ;) And fuck, I forgot how good Amego is.
  2. That melt panel was serious business
  3. You are right and I apologize.My pic dosen't have that little bush in it.But it's from the same spot and angle haha so I thought it was the one I posted before.
  4. Those kids have some balls man.Just smack a few of them around and that shit will cease...
  5. That is a stolen pic of mine and it is by Spec One.He's a good dude.
  6. Damn lookit the shitter on that critter
  7. PM's fellas.Let's not trash the board.If you wanna fight him I'll show you where he works and you guys can do it.
  8. Fuck dude, I want some codeine....
  9. Wow, are you really trying to get shit started there guy?
  10. Here's the pics you wanted Arin
  11. Who the fuck is even in that crew?I hope you're over 18 so syke or pyle can legally break your jaw.
  12. Re did the one wall quick huh arin? Haha good looking on the pics.I got better ones if you want em.
  13. Im sick and feel like posting pics.Deal with it.
  14. Bump the sc joints and Fowl is sick like bird flu nigguh
  15. Niggas off da chain!!!Highlights, fades, drips.......... Do yo' thang dawg
  16. ^^^^Leave it to this guy to be a smartass
  17. Sick stencils bro!You ever heard of the Banksy dood?
  18. Close is too fucking good. I'd argue with you greezy, but nobody wants to listen to a couple old dudes griping.Ima come see you guys when the weather takes a break from being awful, we can get all fucked up and go "tagging"
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