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Everything posted by RALPH LAUREN

  1. adeatrax over cre8... n i founded that abandoned mayfair car long b4 those clown ass youngins went over me...
  2. its not one of his better slams, but its "bx=>trk" def not garbo.
  3. it says "bauter" as in "baut" a young boul from the neast, im sure he didnt know about pub and wasnt malisously trying 2 draw a buff, would i rather c an old pub tag live? of course i would but dont knock him 4 trying 2 get his own name out there, he's one of few kids in the neast that has managed 2 venture beyond cottman and the boulivard. if your putting out an announcement to preserve history and not draw the buff by cramming ,then u got my vote, but i been preachin the same ol shit 4 2 long, just look at the tunnels man? do u ride the trains? im with u, but im sorry 2 say your beatin a dead horse... writers nowadays got the in with the knew out with the old mentality, do yourself a favor and adopt a younger writer, teach him the rules of respect and history ,and let him be a reflection of u, otherwise well have a 1000 kids runin around with sharpies and magnums writing over history...on another note bump baut, keep doin yr thing youngblood. and dont be greedy, u flicked the pub tag so share it with us, isnt that the way pub would have wanted it 2 be...?
  4. that master prink is insane. thank u 4 sharing...
  5. everytime i c that flick a knew writer has found a way 2 cram that spot... and tax-repot, we miss u on silentwrytes, come back 2 us...
  6. bump the tax man keepin this thread live.
  7. dam, yall need 2 take this shit 2 judge mathis... what is the difference between wet n dry snitching?
  8. lmao, i knew that was comin...^
  9. does any1 have ANOTHER angle of that boner 4ever wall?
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