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  1. that bottle of IB PROFEN is gangster
  2. Fuckin_Mondays


    * pick a new word, those letters are terrible to start with
  3. we all know that now a days all you have to do is borrow your little sisters digital camera, walk down to your local 'graffiti spot', bust out a cap gun, pick up the scrap cans, and pose for myspace....AND BOOM you get laid by all the groupies who will then beg you to do their name and proceed to never speak to you when they even realize your a little cunt. Gettting laid is the whole point of graffiti right?? Thats what Cope3 and TRANE from GETTING UP say..
  4. AMEN!!!!!! GOD DAMMMMMN!!!
  5. http://masscrazydriving.blogspot.com/2006/06/who-hell-is-syms.html
  6. not to bring this up again, but it looks like there is someone right next to the bag and this is one of those photos with the delayed shutter shit (or whatever) that makes people look like ghosts..
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