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  1. Niggas need to wear tampons in here, too many mood swings
  2. If I am giving my opinion then I must use the word I, becauseit is my opinion. Unfortunately it seems as if my opinion has turned into negative critisism which was not the intention, but since you need an explanation of what pushing the envelope is , then I can tell you to referrence the FX crew of the 90's and early 2000's which was revoutionary for its time to give you a better understanding, which is probably what influenced you to write. As far as contributing, that's on you, your the one down. Nuff said.
  3. Every era comes to an end. FX rocked for a long time, unfortunately many of their key players are no longer part of FX and are stand alone writers. Although it is still a viable crew, I don't feel they are pushing the envelope, alot of the stuff seems recycled, unlike before when they were pioneering and revolutionizing the game.
  4. No too much bullshit, to hide lack of style and letter structure, last time I checked this was still Graffiti.
  5. He's a grown man he can do whaterver he feels but it is what it is, btw way him reppin jersey doesn't do anything for me, his style doesn't really represent jersey. He might as well present himself as LA joe. there is alot of writers who haven't "made it" and rep jersey better.
  6. Graffiti should always evolve and grow but it should always stay true to it's roots many people don't understand that and that's how graffiti truly dies. Speaking of the 80's niggas need to stop trying to paint like it's the 80's or 70's if ur not from that era.
  7. What does doing nace tributes have to do with reppin Jersey, He's reppin his boy, and if u didn't know Nace then u shouldn't do tributes to him that's fake and wack.
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