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Everything posted by PreOne

  1. damn emit looks exactly the same as video graf days lol ... good livin!!
  2. what is that on guaze!?! that will be hangin in some hipsters apartment later tonight..you should have torched it when u were done and said ..whoooops...
  3. so many rapes i feel like im in prison...bad joke so many rapes i feel like im watching law and order svu...better joke...lol rapes=no joke!!!...some killer shit
  4. ^ two legends bustin beans ...classic ...and thats originally official true
  5. sorry i didnt rep att..looooooong story with that..rapes knows why
  6. damn that aste is fire..and another pre shoutout..woo hooo...
  7. http://archives.tsr.ch/dossier-newyork/newyork-graffitis your welcome ... lol
  8. Thanks for the shout out Serval! some dope walls fellas
  9. alot of kase2 tributes got painted this weekend ... awesome to see everyone pull together..i just wish it wasnt always in grief
  10. Man i've been hearing this on and off for the last few days ..is it confirmed now? I hope not -- but if so RIP to Case 2 --- I know people that aren't even into graf that remember his lines from style wars, He def changed the game and left a deep impression on styles all over the world ..RIP
  11. Mackie= one cool mofo! Saw him drumming with madball a few years ago..ill ill ill
  12. Props to Jurne ! Very inspiring
  13. Nostalgia ... some screen grabs from the movie "Fear City" its on Netflix instant Queue watch it for some laughs .. Tom berenger and Rae dawn chong titties!!! Anyone make that car out?? Looks like a Cem maybe?
  14. ^^ dope .. and thanks for hookin my book up man ..that shit fits right in with the rest of the book for sure ... the burner bible
  15. I was busy steering the fail boat .. ugghhhhh
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