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  1. Big Up APR...Crucial unlike any other...Blit Blit Blit
  2. Yes , HeroicX...so true. If I may quote you, "when "people" crush, the buff monster cant keep up"..."People" the key word in phrase, "People" the bombers all of them, "People" the piecers all of them, "People" the taggers all of them, "People" the kings and toys alike, "People" all of us when united we produce an energy not even a "monster" can hang with...Ive had this fantasy for roughly 15 years now of having all the crews and non-crew affiliated vandals join forces for one night and wreck havoc on the highways, I swear to Jah, simply typing about it gives me the chicken skin! It saddens me to see how much Sandy Ego has fallen off, at least when over all damage is concerned. It trips me out to see more often then not old school heads catching wreck, and even more recently resurrected crews showing us whats up , however those same old school heads Ive spotted with a few eager beavers under there wings, theres hope yet...Graffiti is ours, nobody else, belonging to the "people" who is down for the cause, created by youth and perfected through trials and tribulations. I was that youth, a friend of all crews, even if I knew not of your personality and was of being...all of you placed a smile on my face. Im proud of belonging to this culture and knowing I represented it well during my term. Big Ups and bless to all those putting in work, whether your hated on or not its irrelevant, your active some of you for 15 yrs straight or longer (dorms, saga, truko, stash, yaddadyadadaydada...you know who you are)... Remember my Brothers...its us against them...thats the bigger picture... PLEASE STOP KILLING EACHOTHER AND DEPRIVING ME OF BEING ABLE TO HAVE DOPE ARTIST IN MY CITY. Rest In Paint MODER HUER PARIS and all the other fallen soldiers... Bless, S
  3. I jumped on the 805 today...trekking along...when all of a sudden BOOM...I felt as though I had time traveled back to the early 90's and beyond. Any who, that to me, what I bared witness to today is what/how I remember San Diego being...Hard core Freeway damage...up and down both sides...hallows,straights, throwies,freeway handstyles, softball tips....and, and well...In a very weird way, there was unity in rivalry, it in essence was us (writers) against them (establishments)....and in those times the "us's" were winning, many a dedicated individuals. It was a beautiful thing. The beef which was acquired at those times was on a whole other level...slashings,crossouts,stamps...unfortunately, violence will continue to presist...all beef and minuscule differences aside between all the crews that ever got down in those days...Big Up for the memories of being able to see such dedication from a very elite group of youth.... O ya lets not forget about the pits either...psshh. A couple of the top... NVS,KTK,RTS,UF,HK,SWV,MDR,SKA,SPC,UNO,WCK,NSH,TKO,DEA,NR,,TV,WDWM...Just to name a few.... *give his respects, as he backs away slowly, never to be seen again*
  4. yeah those ATOREffics on those jpegs...much love to the lil brahdduh...Hes come leaps and bounds,..Harvestin Gods Knowledge...Blit blit blitt....Big up those Zoke's aswellll
  5. this here is a true representation of how and what the true San Diego graff scene is about...Much love to the TNN's Zoner WST's Keeping it roockin AREST...I c u doing work brahduh!
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