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Posts posted by kaser

  1. with the ballpoint pen ink recipe i found that the Isopropyl alcohol had difficulties getting all the ink out of the well. My mix was still a bit watery so to speak, wasn't as thick and sticky like it should be. Leaving it to settle for a night or two should draw the ink out of them wells. I later

    added some Oil free stamp pad ink, not sure what the base is on it, now that i think about it I'm guessing its water based, probably turning my mix into utter crap.

    Micador brand stamp pad ink, anybody know the base on that?

  2. Yeah well i never thought me asking a simple little question like that would cause so much drama, browsed through majority of the pages on this thread and a lot of similar questions being asked without being morally annihilated and given simple answers or prior experiences.

    as you can tell by the VAST amount of posts I've made I'm new here and don't really know how to post properly. Acknowledged all of your advice and sorry for questioning the respected ASDF.

    dont reply to this. cbf.

  3. Re: How to Thicken up that Thinner SUPERTHREAD


    ^^This is the oldest and best advice that anyone

    could give, or take. Don't ask questions when you

    can just do the work and get the answers yourself.


    I don't understand how people can just go through

    life relying on other peoples opinions, or findings,

    for things that are not of an academic nature. I

    understand that Advanced Chemical Engineering

    students would laugh at all of these questions,

    because they rely on the Academic findings in

    text books and published documents. So they can

    trust their sources.


    But no one in this thread knows who the person

    is answering their question... So why would you trust the

    answers you get on here for stupid questions that

    you could answer yourself if you weren't lazy?

    What a sad life.


    If you want to Run, you have to learn to Walk first.


    Don't ask stupid questions, just try stuff out.

    Open ever empty marker you find, don't ask first.

    Mix alcohol based ink with oil based paint, see what

    happens. Eat your cereal with fork, and do your homework...

    in the dark.


    well, i have been mixing shit for the last couple months now. Why would i go out and experiment it when i can ask someone who may have done something similar and found out flaws and perks so i dont have to waste precious supplies that can be used to make a whole heap of other sick shit. I'm sick of buying buckets of paint thinner, and its not asif you can steal that shit from bunnings man. cant run fast lugging a fat ass tin can. Besides i came onto this thread seeking advice. If you thought the question was silly dont even bother answering it. You said you shouldnt trust other peoples opinions on this thread because you dont know them. For you to say that i go through life relying on other people is a ridiculous statement, i know theres people on here that know alot more than i do. So why wouldn't i ask.

    Anyway since no body had any thoughts of what to do with it, i tried it. added timber stain, and it didn't work for shit.

    so you can take your two cents and shove them right up into the never regions of your colon.

  4. paint something without being able to tell what it says.


    yeah thanks for that, is there anything you can add to it to give it some color so you can actually drop a legible tag? maybe some timber stain or something..

    bit reluctant to try it.

  5. Stamp pad ink

    Isopropyl Alcohol ( rubbing alcohol )

    Acetone / nail polish remover.

    dot 3 brake fluid

    Raven oil / or any brand of stain, preferably purple.

    gentian violet

    Kiwi mop.




    pretty pov recipe.. good for when your limited for supplies. hard to get my hands on decent inks living in australia unless i order online. cbf, im a lazy cunt ^^

  6. im sure this has already been discussed, but instead of me sifting through 180 pages of post, ill ask.


    using that ink recipe, are you able to put that into a pen that uses a pump. for instance UNIposca's instead of using the felt pens, like pilot for example. If anyones made similar things like this let me know how things worked for you.

    i wouldve already tried it our for myself, but my supplies are taking their time to arrive.

    so i thought i'd just make sure.



  7. no definately not they are skinny and shit.

    refill a pilot or a an empty kiwi mop with it.

    i got a posca paint marker one of the medium ones and emptied it , washed it and dried it then filled it with nero. works a charm


    I've got heaps of posca paint markers, never knew you could open them till now, like ive tried.. but my bitch arms just couldnt hack it. Which way does the plastic twist?

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