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  1. DeZ9

    Break Yoself!

    and the cens getting better with the letters that e is tight nice peice..that old schoo buccs colors if only that blue was white...
  2. DeZ9

    Break Yoself!

    that sayer billy is killer wonder how high he was.....
  3. bump..........them austin heads....
  4. hell ya that shits baller
  5. bump that wigga terms stuff on the wall shits lookin ill and them mone n digets to..
  6. bumb that headr celoe n cens wit the frieght......
  7. those yellow/blue terms burners are on point...
  8. bumb that news akrya...n that viper spots dope...
  9. bumb that akyra lingos machine
  10. DeZ9

    San Antonio

    randomst thread ever.. go to the eastside...down the corner of new braunfuls and nolan and ask all the big angry black guys standing around theyll point u to the nearest graff head lol...
  11. close this...aaaghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
  12. bumb that yellow bisket that shit looks dope ..
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