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Sleeping Pills

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Everything posted by Sleeping Pills

  1. i have a shitload from the past two days..... i'll post them within the hour
  2. should i even ask you to post a picture of your polaroids in entirety? i own like, one polaroid 600 camera from like 1995. haven't touched it in years
  3. good riddance - green day, and i'm never going to get it right with this story thing am i?
  4. dear everyone WHY DO YOU ALL HATE ME? love sleeping loser
  5. ummm when i was in like, 9th grade, i always went into chatrooms and stuff like a little loser, and me and my friends would always go in there and talk a lot of shit to everyone make them mad. and then there was this girl, anna, who started imming all of us and trying to talk to us and shit, and she told me and my friends that she had a webcam, so we were all like "FUCK YES" and we were hella stoked. so we get on the webcams in an MSN chat with her and she's like, 14, and kinda thick, but anyway, she just starts stripping for all of us and shit, and it's really entertaining. then she starts talking about like how she wants to come to california to visit us or something hella gay or whatever. anyway she keeps stripping for us, doing the same shit over and over again, and i think this goes on for two days. so then one night she says she has to go do something so she leaves the chatroom, and right when she leaves, i start the shit talking, i was like "dude this dumb bitch keeps on doing the same shit i mean she just takes her boobs out of her shirt and licks them this shit is hella gay and boring." and i'm just talking a lot of shit about her for a good like, 5 minutes, AND THEN OUT OF NOWHERE, this girl straight comes out the cuts and says "you're a dick..... i read everything you said you asshole" she was lurking on invisible or something. i was like "oh shit it's cool it was just guy talk yeano?? i didn't really mean it" (please keep stripping for us). she started crying and took the cam away and i never talked to her again. how about that?
  6. dear admins i want a custom member status... :spin: i'll do anythingz! love sleeping soda
  7. once, my friend, he was just about to take the ACT'S. he was hella stupid and he thought he wouldn't need to study and he would just wing it, and then coming up to it he was getting hella nervous because he knew he would do bad. so he took some shrooms right before he took it, and it turns out he got an almost near perfect score, like a couple of questions away from getting a perfect score. he said scooby doo jumped onto his desk and told him all of the right answers. i'm not sure but everyone was convinced he cheated and they could have possibly thrown out his actual test but i don't remember. is that story cool?
  8. ok well i'm out now forreals, are you the only one still out there trance? anyway, goodnight 12
  9. ok well, i'm going downstairs to make myself some food and watch some late night. brb guyz?
  10. hahahahahaha why do your gay comments go too far and still be hilarious as fuck torque but really, where do you come up with this stuff...... ?
  11. ugh no wai!!! can i get some pee time and some cereal first though?
  12. ^i have those headphones, they're very nice.. i recommend. if you wanna pay the dough do you wanna pay the dough torque?
  13. dear catface you're the most popular person in this thread hahaha, seriously love the lame kid..
  14. dear lion face try eating some cereal or just plain drinking some milk. it helps for me. love sleeping sleeper
  15. jesus trance, how long is your shift? and that rain looks intense
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