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Sleeping Pills

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Everything posted by Sleeping Pills

  1. dear solano stroll, i hope you're worth it. sleeping balls
  2. naw man... they got blockers EVERYWHERE
  3. HAHAHA did anyone see the "teen female crazy orgazm mega thread" started by catface on what trance posted? shit's hilarious
  4. amazing. but i have a huge headache and that picture just made it worse.
  5. hahaha, sherock, is it just me or did you all of a sudden become more hilarious and entertaining than usual?
  6. i never ask.. if you don't look like a creep or anthing people usually figure out themselves that you're just trying to snap some quality shots at the expense of shooting random people. and besides, if you come up to someone to ask if you can take their picture, that kinda ruins the candidness and realism of the shot. that's my take on it
  7. WOAH MAN, WOAH WOAH WOAH was that a question???????????????????????
  8. wouldn't it matter to the fellow trees that are sad becuase they just lost one of their old companions?
  9. Now for Ted Leo: sorry for having so many
  10. audrye sessions patrick. that's me, everyone. The Lovemakers Great Northern
  11. YOOOO today was chaos! oakland arts and soul festival PLUS first cal game of the season! i'll put up some pics as soon as i can... but i have like 3 or 400 just from today. i'll try my hardest
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