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Sleeping Pills

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Everything posted by Sleeping Pills

  1. took a nice relaxing trip to san francisco today with some friends. critical mass haha, we all took pictures of it got a feet fetish. not really.
  2. i could actually use a new 35mm camera..... haha actually i could just use one. the praktica i have is broken and i've been bumming off of my friends' cameras for the past 6 weeks. if anyone could point me in the right direction for something cheap that would be appreciated.
  3. so i don't know if i ever mentioned it on here, but i'm enrolled in a film class this semester and i developed my first ever working print yesterday: i'm pretty excited
  4. Re: Dear ________, - no homo dear person, what the fuck? i'm confused. dear cold, i'm still here you bitch. fucking go away please, you are no fun. love, :sick:
  5. Re: Dear ________, - no homo dear horrible cold, please..... fucking...... go away. holy shit. love, advil
  6. hooray for page 50! yeah... woo hoo... congratulations..
  7. what's the significance of taking pills up the butt anyway? was that to stop yeast infections or something? i never caugt on to that.
  8. fuck, i just woke up, aren't naps the shit? what are we talking about here? i saw torque posted another naked dude, does that need any explanation? will it just be fine at that, with no explanation, because the explanation to it is that torque posted it? am i making any sense here? do you think it's because i'm extremely tired and i can't think straight? shit dicks? /no homo?
  9. Re: Bang to Britney with this bag of potatoes. Har har. No habla bandito, K-Fed jeez, after being m.i.a. for a quick minute, i have just been reminded of why i don't go in this thread that often. FASHO! :chicken:
  10. how much for your canon? i need a 35mm, the praktica i use is broken and i sent it to some place in new jersey for fixing, and i'm pretty desperate to find a new camera for a film class i'm taking. *actually, i'm not very familiar with that camera. does it have manual shutter operation?
  11. the birds really blend in with the rocks on the beach. trippy.
  12. hmm, this is starting to get a little serious.. you just want a ride instead?
  13. Re: ANIMATED GIF HALL OF FAME SUPERTHREAD hahaha, what the fuck is this dude? besides the raptor jesus thing.
  14. CHYEA! yesterday while driving around looking for an after party, my friend sitting in shotgun put me in neutral without me knowing it, and when the light turned green i pressed gas and my engine super revved up, and a motorcylce cop was right in front of me. he turned around and pulled up right next to me and said "you trying to pull something funny boy??" and i said "no, this dick just put me in neutral without me knowing, i'm really sorry," and he sped off super pissed. i'm glad i didn't get a ticket. isn't my friend a fucking deuchebag? i should have pushed him out into oncoming traffic.
  15. hmm, now it's more of a tannish peach color. maybe i just suck with colors, but that doesn't really matter does it?
  16. all the cool people right? aren't i cool because i'm writing in orange?
  17. well i was talking to chubbs. but hey, why not? isn't aim for all the cool people?
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