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Sleeping Pills

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Everything posted by Sleeping Pills

  1. Re: ANIMATED GIF HALL OF FAME SUPERTHREAD wait what the fuck is that? someone link me
  2. nice me too! doesn't it feel so opening
  3. so i've gotten back from yosemite...... i have 44 pictures and i don't wanna clog the thread. here's 1: light pollution and such...... more tomorrow. i'm tired. or you can just go look at my filckr.
  4. just got a battery grip for my canon off ebay, plus stocked up on like 4 batteries this is just from the i wanna see you thread in ch0 13 hour exposures here i come.
  5. Re: Dear ________, - no homo dear chubbs and caligula post your pix in the i wanna see you 2007 thread. cause i wanna see you. love, homo pills. /so homo
  6. jesus christ all of new york city just got fucking took by a huge storm tide is this even ethical?
  7. yeah earmuffs (dog chapman?) the special effects are pretty crazy aint they?
  8. yeah... i'll do it eventually has anyone else ever seen the day after tomorrow? i'm watching that shit for the first time right now, it's pretty crazy. la is being torn to shreds by tornados.
  9. i posted them when she turned 18 and i told everyone and the convinced me to put pics up... how am i hitting on my sister?
  10. oh man.... i hope not... i'll stop the oontz im on my sisters mac book, isn't that nifty?
  11. i was thinking about bumping this thread, too isn't it good to have it back?
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