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Everything posted by emu

  1. emu


    dfjfsE@%$@TFUCK YOU
  2. okay i know this is the sketch thread but cheeeck it.. this bitch is not about to be president.
  3. i dunnooooo wat do other ppl think..?
  4. thnx.. wait move on to what?
  5. oh shit its hella blurry^^ ma bad
  6. heres kind of a ny stylish fill i did.
  7. WOW.. yea keep it as simple as you can.
  8. your shit isss dooope bambu
  9. ejh i dont like that roa very much :/
  10. that naris fill detail is tight so is the outline.
  11. emu


    ehh... its just like emun 3.. im good anything else?
  12. trying to go pretty simple. advice? comments? o btw wat does crits mean.. lol im kinda out of the computer lingo.
  13. emu


    clearly i need work on my handeees... advice?
  14. emu


    i know its super simple but idk ive been doing my handstyles super simple for along ass time and im trying to change it.
  15. emu


    btw ignore the arrows.. those are just pointing out the 1 i like the best
  16. emu


    hey i need feedback and advice for my handstyles im trying to get better at them
  17. thats tight meso. its funny i used to write mezo a long as time ago.
  18. bitches go fine ass tities.
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