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Posts posted by Quaranta-Due

  1. That Hart chick is a punk, so if you have a problem with that you should just keep it to yourself or she'll drop you.


    Just so you know...


    I wouldn't want you to get dropped dude.

  2. You can't hate on my Team Alco status.


    She was a crank head trailer trash piece of shit. She swung on me and my boy when we tried to have her come back in the store. And she started talking jibberish.


    I don't do the whole "stop snitchin" thing to that extent. If I crazy homeless bitch is swinging on me and I'm scared she's gonna syringe me, then the sherrifs get called.


    ALSO, the Sherrif bitch that came was cute as fuck. And she dropped the homeless lady hella hard, then gave me her beer.


    It was awesome.


    PRETTY sure that drinking on the job is Team Alco status.

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