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Manute Bol

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Everything posted by Manute Bol

  1. where can I watch the latest episode online
  2. Manute Bol


    I had no problem not drinking today or last night, and you're right, I would feel great not drinking on new years, but if I can make it all the way till then without one sip, I feel like I can drink a bottle of champagne and not turn it into the "why not get drunk the next night?" kind of thing. Lets face it, getting shit blasted is a lot of fun, and if I don't drink for over a month I'm going to get way drunker than I normally would off a lot less. That's awesome to me.
  3. My girl and I sat at the kids table this year, but it was my cousins, sister and brother in law, the youngest kid was 18 or 19. I guess you could call it the "young adult" table. No crying babies or snot nose kids FTW
  4. Manute Bol


    I don't regret any drinking benders I've gone on, I wouldn't know the people I know, do the shit I did, or had the good times. I'm making this change for my health and work before I completely blow it. New years is going to be horrible for me, I might drink just that night, take the next day off and start over.
  5. Manute Bol


    I don't think I've gone 9 days without a drink in a good 4 or 5 years.
  6. http://www.vice.com/tattoo-age/freddy-corbin-bonus-part-4 YES
  7. Manute Bol


    I'm starting to feel healthier, and working out daily. Word to non drinkin' I gettin' my mus back
  8. I'm always curious to see what trolls have to offer. Anyways, I came across this in the NGNG blog, a fucking moon face!?
  9. Fuck it, my foot is really offensive looking, people don't have to look at it.
  10. Manute Bol


    Today makes a week sober, it feels like a fucking month. I've already had to deal with stressful situations I would have drowned myself in booze over, and came out on top. Now for week 2
  11. Manute Bol


    Today I've got the urge, big time. Last night I hung out with my girl and drunk friend while they got sauced. I still had huge laughs and it was pretty much the same, I just wasn't sloppy and empty eyed. I smoked some weed, so I'm not SOBER sober, but getting off the bottle is a huge deal. *POZ being drink free for 30 days actually made me feel weak. If that nig can do it, I better be able to. Later dawgz
  12. Manute Bol


    ^what helps me not do that is thinking to myself "why stop at one sip?" I can't drink occasionally or have just one beer when hanging with friends. One sip will make me want to go buy a liter for 10 bucks and get blasted. *swamp, I blame most of my uncontrollable love for the bottle on that eastside apartment, alcoholic alumni house.
  13. Manute Bol


    I was hanging out with a bunch of people, went to some open mic party type thing that blew assholes, so we decided to explore abandoned buildings instead. When we got back to my friends the girls started drinking wine, they offered me some, I declined. One of em' knew my deal but the other didn't and asked me to "just taste it." I took a swig, everyone looked at me, thinking I was about to break my new 100% alcohol free lifestyle, then spit it back into the glass. I thought it was a bit too sweet, anyways. I guess it was to prove to myself I'm strong enough to stay on coarse.
  14. Manute Bol


    Tonight I tasted wine and spit it out. Probably the first time I've ever done that in my life. SOBA1
  15. Manute Bol


    So I'm on day 3, this is kind of a big deal as the longest I've gone sober was close to a week. I'm going to hit this party tonight my buddy is throwing, he owns a liquor store and it's going to be at this deli next door. He's going to offer me a shot as soon as I walk in and I'm going to say no. I'm positive I won't be tempted, I like not being hung over every day waiting for night to fall so I can buy a liter.
  16. I support anything Cesar does with his music, he deserves it. Seriously though, that last shit "lets ride" is my new favorite song by him. The good stuff.
  17. I hope opie takes over the club, Jax is too much of a pussy, and that dude has nothing to live for. Clay knows he's about to die, didn't he say something to old shitty cop guy about not giving a fuck cause he knows hes already dead?
  18. I took a dump in front of an entire band and about 30 people at a party/show while people chanted "BOL CAN'T SHIT!" immature child oner
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