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Everything posted by northjerzSON

  1. those people on that list are legends man. do ur research before u make urself look dumb again.
  2. jersey official....is that from a suicide girls myspace?
  3. bump the KOIN SWINE PHONE BUMP the EULA what year is that joint?
  4. bump the BREW SCAR 07 highway spot bump the TACYO LOSER DZEL NARK flicks
  5. PK gettin up in all places. the more i see the more i like. i wasnt a fan when i first saw it coming around. esp with the NACE water tower. but now dude been putting in his work. ill give credit when its due, and dude has his ups. maybe the style and shit is still on the wack side, but he has all the hot spots hit. so here u go PK, PROPS for your hard work and nice spots.....
  6. the sneaker show has to happen before u can expect pictures from it!!
  7. i deff like UNCLE's shit. his freights are always nice and simple. readable shit. that old EULOGY / BYAS is nice too!
  8. EMO "i made you son" .............thats a bold statement about NTEL.
  9. jersey official knows the deal, and this kid doesnt think its real but........emo is a dead man!
  10. agreed with what medow said as well. kid has ups. kid has skills. kid just has no respect. ive seen him paint over MANY MANY highway spots of other respected writers. as well as chill spots and train lines. respect is huge in graff today. n this kid never learned his. and it seams it is too late now. he fucked with someone who isnt going to deal with that kinda disrespect. props to pepe.
  11. also bump the BYAS and SUGA freight...what was on that door?
  12. well put. kids been out disrespecting way too many people for way too long now. it was a matter of time before he went and fucked with the wrong person. 1800getvamped aint no one to fuck with and unfortunatly he is goin to find that out the hard way....
  13. Agreed....PK shit is wack. and he ruins good spots with his wack ass fills. dude has ups. ill give him that, but time to find ur own spots to hit and not ruin good ones....
  14. are u defending guys wearing girl pants? what is this world coming to. there is lots of shit that goes against the norms in todays world. anyway u look at it, girls pants are for girls, guys pants are for guys. its pretty simple. im done with this topic. emo = faggot toys that wear tight pants or girls pants. also listens to music that sounds like this....... "my pants are so tight my dick dont work no more so my girlfriend broke up with me and now im going to sing a song about it and cry....wah wah wah"
  15. jersey official goin all out the last few days. i been loving the hate. no joke. tight pants are deff gay. i dont fucking get it. you people are guys. quit the emo homo shit. thats for fuckin pansy ass homos. which i guess u people are. but come on now, u expect people to take you serious in girls pants? get a hold of urself. do u people look i the mirror ever? u look like idiots. as for paint steeling, that is too good. get it done! we need more shit by people like jersey offical and such. free paint = good paint! get on it
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