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25 Good
  1. go ups killers and kato and fuck it dkups i guess yer doing it right too. "where's that flick? blah blah blah. i'm a gangster. wank wank wank. i saw you killing 48 hours the other day....
  2. i miss you buddy. i found cutty spots yesterday and poured a few out.
  3. stolen. i miss you anthony. http://lh6.ggpht.com/_Ux3bboNNCs0/TTC_C-LSvkI/AAAAAAAAAWE/lx3OrkvLsMk/s800/ZZ131203.jpg
  4. whatever happened to axe? i met him at his birthday years ago. met two girls and had one of the best nights of my life. i don't need details or anything. just wondering. i don't need details. PM me...
  5. rest in peace fake one. murdered in new orleans 12-23-2010.
  6. r.i.p. fake. that shit is seriously fucked up. i don't miss this about nola at all.
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