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Everything posted by Mercer

  1. I don't know if I necessarily agree with that, if a person said they just meant it as "uneducated" when dropping a hard R, I would never see that as anything other than even more disrespectful, thinking I'm dumb enough to believe that was what they meant by it. Regardless of what old man Mirrium Webster says. It's like saying saying you were just calling the male flight attendant a bundle of sticks, nobody on the plane will ever believe you, even if the male flight attendant is super flammable.
  2. I grew up in a different era, where down white dudes had the pass. I remember playing pool in the Tropical, on Elizabeth St. in Chinatown where Asians called each other niggas, not a single bad vibe, and all love in there. Truth be told half them Asian dudes would probably son you on breaking/rapping. Acceptable language changes though, they used to say colored people, now they say "people of color", but TBH I don't see the difference the language changes ever actually made. You can still be racist AF and not speak a single word on it IMO. That said, I'm not going to lie like the word has zero power over me, but I kinda wish it didn't. I'd like to think I wouldn't get emotional if someone used it around me out of disrespect, but that's probably not true. Don't get me wrong, it's not because of the word itself though, or if there's a hard R or not. I'm generally just learning disabled when it comes to avoiding conflict sometimes.
  3. I've got homies that are for real straight up homophobic. That like can't look the gay homies in the eyes in mixed company, and become visibly uncomfortable without ever saying a word. To me that's 1000x more cringe, and grounds to lose invite privileges than a failed attempts at humor on 12oz. I mean you can kinda tell when words are meant for intentional disrespect, and the non language moves a person makes are 100% more important. TLDR, explore and make sense of any uncomfortable emotions surrounding going prohomo™ yourself or u probably gay.
  4. My thing is, the Biden Administration should try to force a negotiation for peace that leaves some face for Putin to save here if they really cared about peace, and our own people's well being. I'd make a treaty about the pipelines staying open, and lifting the sanctions, AKA what's best for our side. State leaders never become state leaders by ignoring their own political goals over what's best for their people. That's what war is. Finesse the slaves, by borderline openly mocking them: redditsave.com_stephen_colbert_who_earns_15_million_per_year-utqwcbb1sbm81.mp4 You're basically immoral now, if you want to still afford to drive to work. Just buy a Tesla you crybaby. Meanwhile everyone in the audience is either on public transit, or will be soon. Only upside is the original motive for dieting is slowly making a comeback. Just saying, anyone who's trying for anything but peace now deserves the French solution.
  5. In this global economy, there is no "ours" or "theirs" collectively, especially in a non communist country. If our commercial reserves of grains here can get more money for their grain dropping it into a ship and selling it in Europe they will. If Europe's main supplier of Ammonium Nitrate cuts them off, Europe will either drive our prices for ammonium nitrate up, or plant less grains, and import more of our later. Everything I just described increases the food prices globally, not just China, Russia, Europe, the U.S. ect. This is why China's conspicuously ridiculous spending last year looks so suspect this year after Putin's February surprise cutting ammonium nitrate. China literally scooped up 69% of the worlds corn for it's own strategic reserve. I'm not sure on the numbers for Soy, and Wheat but they're similar, at the time it was so insane, the fact they bought so much the price went up almost 200% in many markets, and they still kept buying more. I'm no expert on farming, but I do know some farms keep large private reserves, but almost exclusively to feed their own livestock. Other grain reserves they'd deal with are the larger ag-corp style commercial reserves. The grain that sit's in these reserves is resold later, meaning the grain leaving them goes to the highest bidder at time of purchase. We could have a great harvest last year, full reserves, and still end up paying more for that grain as end consumers if the price of that commodity goes up. A strategic reserve, isn't like a commercial reserve. Commercial reserve holders are able to estimate with fairly good accuracy demand throughout the following year after a harvest. Investor place bets on the variable, what the price will be. No matter the price fluctuation, it's not in their best interests to purchase much more volume than what they expect to sell. A strategic reserve is one a Federal Government puts together. This stores more grain, on top of what the commercial reserves will store because it's paid for with tax money, so it doesn't matter to the buyer what the future price is, this is a backup to keep people from rioting from high prices. It may even be intentionally dumped on the market later at a loss. Historically it's an excellent tool to prepare for war, or even signal to other's you're ready. Not to be confused with any other type of commercial, or private reserve, this is wikipedia's definition of a strategic grain reserve. That said, food prices have gone up minimum estimate 20% over this last year alone, most of that due to China bidding the price up last year, with the remainder due to a minimum estimated 7.5% inflation. I estimate inflation, and increasing food prices at much more, but just going with the mainstream narrative on those numbers. China is in an excellent position grains wise no matter what this fall's harvest, guess who isn't? The rest of us. Especially now that Europe is guaranteed to come up short locally now. There are few things that can spark civil unrest better than people not being able to afford to eat, or worse yet, a food supply that's not enough no matter the price. I don't see the latter as a feasible scenario yet, but the former is for sure 100% guaranteed to go down, I put my word on it. We couldn't afford to stock our own strategic reserves, so we're in a position where we're good on supply for the rest of this year, but not in a position to drop the price if needed by dumping more than projected demand. To sum it all up, the intentional cutoff of fertilizers to Europe right before ramping up the Ukraine invasion, and China stocking up in a way people had trouble making sense of screams coordination, but nobody seems to be noticing in the media, outside of the economic thought circles. Here's a video from last May when people were trying to figure out WTF China is up to. The dude blows it off, no clue, say's China isn't going to cancel the orders because "they need it" and that's where the speculation starts with Brazil, and the only market indicators at the time. https://www.agweb.com/news/crops/corn/heres-why-china-aggressively-buying-new-crop-corn-us This shit is outside of our control, only thing we can do is prepare. That commodities market chart up there kinda proves my point. When wheat future's charts start looking like crypto, it's time to start paying attention. Those who's fortunes dictate a need to know, they already know what's about to go down this year looking at where their money is being bet. They might even be placing safe bets, and it could triple the price, instead of just doubling come fall harvest. Watch what happens in Ukraine, a net grain exporter, and the rest of Europe by summer. I don't invest in commodities, but with that said, there are tactics the individual can take to invest wisely themselves. First thing you can do is stock your own strategic reserves of food now, at home. Mark my words, food prices are not going to go down and will spike. Might be a good year to expand the garden. I'd also advise investing in handshakes. I'd estimate 15-25% of my food comes direct on the local gray market with people I shake hands with, and I'm shooting for 50% this year. This will be the first year I scoop a 1/4 cow before beef is on par with caviar prices. Down from day one customers get preference when you've got more customers than supply. Good chance that handshake might become more valuable than a grocery store loyalty card discount. They have farmer's you can shake hands with if you're rural or drive, they have food/gardening co-op systems if you're in suburbs, or a city. There are even subscription based setups direct with local food producers, but again, if it's over the internet, and you're not shaking hands, it's not as good as one where you are. We're pretty much urban/suburban, but our own subscriptions and trips out to farms have at the very least given us access to healthier options.
  6. Mercer

    Divot Dogs

    Every one of you faggots on here that are silent now can suck my dick you fucking cowards.
  7. Mercer

    Divot Dogs

    And you’re a bitch to, you can’t even admit that shit in a thread where it’s being proven over and over again what you did. Too much of a bitch to admit it at least run with that shit you fucking pussy
  8. Mercer

    Divot Dogs

    Either way I don’t have no respect for racists or whatever the fuck you call your dumb ass.
  9. Mercer

    Divot Dogs

    Acting like you’re not a hater, you can’t help yourself though, can’t explain why you ride with haters, or why, after I already tried to squash this with you once before. You’re back on here for no reason a few months later, lying saying I doxxed Casek. Why because you’re a fucking hater bro. I literally never did shit to you.
  10. Mercer

    Divot Dogs

    Stop changing the subject you fucking retard, why do you ride out with these racists @where?
  11. Mercer

    Divot Dogs

    Now you’re headed off this board, maybe you can go kick it with your homies on their white supremacy board wherever they are now.
  12. Mercer

    Divot Dogs

    Either way, you had your chance to fess up and passed racist.
  13. Mercer

    Divot Dogs

    only a hater would just say the way he carry himself, without addressing exactly what it is. What is it because the doxx shit is established racist gas lighting.
  14. Mercer

    Divot Dogs

    and seriously played yourself on soma accidentally racist blind man shit. Embarrassing shit Clayton.
  15. Mercer

    Divot Dogs

    You picked the wrong dudes to align with.
  16. Mercer

    Divot Dogs

    Look, I’ve said my piece and I’m gonna drop this shit with you from now. It’s just that I did nine months in Juvie for not snitching, and spent years on the streets writing my name on shit just for this reputation. Got tethe receipts for that too. This reputation means more to me than every member on this fucking forum, and legit every cell in my body AKA I’d rather be dead than a fucking snitch, or doxer. I’m willing to king of cringe this shit up at any moment, clearly and I don’t give a fuck. Like I said, fuck the money, the pussy, the cars, the weed, and all the haters on my dick because I shine. It’s my reputation only thing left after my short time on this earth.
  17. Mercer

    Divot Dogs

    Just so we know where @lord_casek & @wheres rumor got started. @whereapparently so dense I bet he thinks the proud boys are gay pride or some shit. Let me fill you in on how the new racism works. Racism 1.0 god meant it to be like this or he wouldn't have... Racism 2.0 genetic inferiority made them this way Racism 3.0 their inferior culture is the cause Saying you're not racism 2.0, or 1.0 does not mean you're not racism 3.0. You join a left, or right wing group specifically to commit political violence you are a traitor piece of shit in my opinion. Apparently not to @lord_casek he's on 12oz openly threatening to dox people and everyone ignored it except one dude. He's cool and all, but I don't even like @Elena Delle Donnethat much. I just stepped up because I'm a real anti racist that doesn't side with racists like @whereto go at mercer for shutting that bullshit down. Anyway they elected this dude, notice he's not white, yea, they were hoping you noticed that to further the "we're not racist" narrative. Dude also turned out to be a federal informant. You can now be black and join a white nationalist group like proud boys if they are racist 3.0. You just denounce black culture, and pledge your allegiance to them just like @wheredid on 12oz. Real life clayton bigsy ass motherfuckers. They are not the KKK, but if you don't think Proud Boys are about good old right wing political violence towards their fellow citizens, you're 100% in denial. In their defense thay do like fighting antifa which I can support, but none the less, this is what they are.
  18. Mercer

    Divot Dogs

    Just so where clear here, it is me giving you a chance to humanize yourself by admitting to what you have done. This isn't something you're just going to ignore and it goes away.
  19. Mercer

    Divot Dogs

    Fine, how did you come up with the lie? My theory on this is, since you're not willing to share your own is that that the only people on here that knew, or cared about that post to screen grab it were the white nationalists. Because that's where those screen shots came from, it was was Dirty Habit, the dude you're aware of that says openly racist shit on 12oz, and has been driving members away this last couple of years with his nutjob shit. There's no way you remembered that old ass post of Casek becoming infuriated by injury talking shit on proud boys. You called me out for it a year later. Somehow you got the info to twist this "Mercer Doxxes People" lie directly from none other than @Dirty_habiTsince that's the only dude that had those receipts saved, that I keep posting. My guess is you conspired with said openly racist 12ozProphet administrator via Private Message, to start the rumor about me, because he's been holding on to those receipts for a minute, trying to run me off. I'm just not sure why you did it. Care to share your theory?
  20. Mercer

    Divot Dogs

    Yes, but why are you changing the subject? Why you got feelings over Mercer checking a racists on 12ozProphet? Why you lying about me doxxing said racist? These are the real questions we need answers for right now. Stop being a goofy and be a man.
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