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Everything posted by Mercer

  1. Yes, but it's important to note, each halvening (coincides with U.S. Presidential election years), takes a year or two to kick in, and kinda tapered off. Firs halvening brought 10,000 x gains, to 1000x gains next, to 100x gains, then 10x gains, etc. until Bitcoin reaches a high enough market capitalization to eventually stabilize against other large currencies like dollars, Yen, Euro's, etc. once it's no longer has a new supply being minted as part of the block reward. My buy for the rest of 2022 is ETH which has been trying to decouple from Bitcoin's price for years now, just had a triple halvening of it's own which should be kicking in, and wants to go 2.0 by end of Summer. This post below shows an old chart I made, and goes into a deeper explanation of how the supply shockwaves are made, that cause these bull runs. Next halvening comes in 2024 giving us all just over 2 years to start stacking Satoshi's for the next. Nows also a very good time to start thinking big picture in regards to time, and convert out of any shitcoins into BTC/ETH.
  2. Felt the same way when I saw it, it's like a quick burst of anger, denial, acceptance and then respect for the spice. Personally think the cold war was a big fat capitol W for boomers, but I guess the participation trophy meme still applies in comparison to today's military, or militaries before it in actual hot warfare.
  3. Millennials be like I just remote drone bombed a wedding & two hospitals, where TF my extra respect & discounts at?
  4. Out of curiosity, do you have a cottonwood tree there? What types of tree root systems do you think the mycelium they grew from is connected with? I'm out here in the Front Range we've started looking, but since it's been an unusually dry spring they're few and far between. Along any stream, or gully here cottonwood trees grow naturally, not enough rainfall to support an actual forest so these are pretty much the only trees here naturally. Cottonwood root systems have been the only place I we've found morels here. Back in Pennsylvania they grew practically everywhere in the forest near hardwoods.
  5. Mercer


  6. One of the best shitcoins of all time.
  7. https://dragonflyenergy.com/solid-state-battery/ @ndv
  8. Yes, although another solid electrolyte other than phosphate could be used. Basically any "solid" used to chemically regulate IONs for that matter would technically make a wide range of battery tech "solid state", but TBH there's really only one making waves right now and it uses phosphates, so that's the more accepted term. Solid state is really only used by journalists, or other hype men because, while it's dumb and confusing, it sounds much cooler and mystical. "Solid state" is not how people who work with, or sell them usually describe them, as it's kinda useless description. It's like saying a 4 door cars, instead of sating a sedan, hatchback, SUV, Pickup truck etc. which is the normal way people would describe a motor vehicle.
  9. You've kinda nailed it @ndvit's all about the batteries. They're using lithium ION phosphate technology. The phosphate allows for way more charge cycles/battery life, and allows you to store more electricity per pound of battery. Again, it's not a problem at this point to have the technology to make an electric car, or a battery, it's building the supply chain. Tesla's current battery tech is already outdated, the roadster and cybertrucks are getting the lithium ion phosphate, and the delay in the batteries is what's driving the delay on those new models. No idea what Daimler Chrysler's supply chain is looking like, but they haven't been doing very well in other areas the last couple of decades. The people worth watching in German EV's are Porsche. They got an EV to market that actually beat Tesla's P100D models in performance, and forced Elon to drop the Plaid S's, and X's to regain lead position. If Porsche can advance from lithium ion, to lithium ion phosphate batteries they murder Teslas.
  10. Is scientists understood economics, they'd make one you could program with someones else's voice to disrespect into gurgles. redditsave.com_this_robotic_mouth_chants_algorithmically-f60wu4e99pt81.mp4
  11. Mercer


    How to properly channel that "she cheated" energy and avoid those self destructive urges. redditsave.com_man_grabs_hornets_nest_with_bare_hands_and_eats_it-e1hrypceuqt81.mp4
  12. Mercer


    Nobody in Vegas wanted to sign the long term lease on those sprouts either.
  13. Not much, everybody is dumping now after the initial pump, confident Elon will be rejected then dump his stake for plan B. I think once the news dropped it pumped up to the low 50's and is back down to the low 40's today which is insane for a multibillion dollar market cap asset.
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