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Everything posted by Mercer

  1. Downside: She wouldn't stand for any of my bullshit. Upside: cream pie snail trails all day.
  2. @KILZ FILLZyou're missing out on rare angles, and permanent parking privilege. If she can cook she's wifey materiel.
  3. Looks like they're charging my man with a felony like he ain't paid enough yet, now I'm waiting for that mugshot to drop. His forehead looked lumpier than a cobblestone street.
  4. Mercer

    Anti-abortion law

    I personally think the value of absolute self ownership is greater than the value of human life. If life itself is held in higher regards, logically speaking things like forcing an individual to share their blood, organs, or basically their entire body to keep someone else alive against their will become allowable. Questions like "why do you even need both your kidneys when there are people on waiting lists" are up for debate. Having an old person attached to share your blood stream to keep them alive a few more days isn't so far fetched. Violating bodily autonomy causes all types of societal ills like mass incarceration over drugs etc. Now getting, or facilitating an abortion can land you in jail, or fines, or your right to work in your field revoked like we needed more of that. Serving time with people that sold, smoked, or grew a plant, or a fungus, maybe sold some pussy or all types of other victimless crimes in the name of the "greater good". I think most people are mad because the republicans won this one, I'm mad because ignoring basic human rights looks like a shortcut to both sides vision of a utopian society. People will always get abortions. Ironically the same people on twitter that wanted to force vaccinate people, and hated ivermectin saying it was a horse dewormer, are now recommending a horse ulcer paste that induces abortions in humans. Ever since those towers fell, this country has become more, and more insane. We're literally just stepped backwards 49 years.
  5. Maker looking extremely good RN, high ETH to MKR ratio. Crypto also holding up against biggest dow drop since March 2020 when crypto followed, and slammed much harder than stocks in the hard dip.
  6. Same here, I'm closer to 50 myself than 40 now. In general, most of our generation has been indoctrinated with 12 years of the pledge of allegiance, movies like Red Dawn, and basically an entire psyche that upholds the ideals of empire. Most countries would never invade others, but that's kind of our thing, and can be accomplished with near zero pushback from a public as indoctrinated as we all are. For me, I grew up an "Army Brat" basically lived in Germany 6 years, watched my dad, and all his friends wear woodland camo. Literal jets with the engines left running with hydrogen bombs ready to rip. When you're an Army Brat, basically everyone you know is either in the Army themselves or a dependent because you're bouncing around on military bases. My dad enlisted out of HS for Vietnam and pretty much ended his career after the cold war finished. I still shop at Lowes today because of the veteran discount program they have, even though I hate the government. Point being, religion of spiritual nature has been replaced with a religion of state. Questioning the validity of honoring a veteran is sacrilege, and that's where the wildly uncomfortable feeling comes in. Similar to when democracy itself is questioned, with less right wing cringe aftertaste. A unique spice. Calls into question every time you've appreciated the aesthetics of a flag, the star spangled banner, 4th of July fireworks as a kid, etc. Sends the mind down a path where it's entire foundation needs to be rebuilt if you're going to process just how useless the Vietnam war was. That's the beauty of the meme. The reality is war is the most terrible human endeavor of all time, and maybe the participants shouldn't be honored in the same unquestionable way people once honored actual religion. Burns at first from the spice, but delicious after you've acquired the taste.
  7. The Vietnam War hat is a participation trophy for a war that was lost, at least to me. That's not to say they didn't sacrifice, or that the war was fun for them, or that many participants weren't conscripted. What the meme is implying is that they lost, and still got participation trophies. While comparing war, with any other sphere of human competition is generally apples and oranges on many levels, on the participation trophy level, it's almost identical. The humor (which is subjective) comes into play because the Vietnam Vet generation tends to complain about participation trophies for kids, while often times wearing one over their head. I find it humorous because I'm already 100% anti (non defensive) war to begin with, and like challenging the social norms surrounding it.
  8. Never said I wouldn't smash, I'd roll through in my footed spidey PJ's, tell her to green gobble up these nuts. Tiddes probably nice due to modern surgery, face still looks like less plastic surgery (AKA better) than half these hoes in their 30's & 40's. I really can't talk shit, doubt any of us will be laying up in that much luxury pushing 80, and I'm proud to have done way worse than her on multiple occasions in my 20's.
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