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Everything posted by Mercer

  1. I avoid the subject altogether for the most part, the hardest part is passing on good jokes until after a few of those type fall flat or fly over people's heads. Most people never have questioned anything, and I find that questionable.
  2. Mercer


    Even 911 dispatchers are on some authoritarian power trips instead of doing their jobs. redditsave.com_911_dispatcher_hung_up_on_assistant_manager_of-qmtqazqesxz81.mp4
  3. Mercer


    100% pro choice, but wouldn't mind if that dude ended up pretzel'd like he tried to tackle Dave Chappelle.
  4. Just came across this, no idea if it's authentic but kinda makes sense.I wouldn't be surprised if it were true, although most people think that think racism is a narrowly defined aesthetic & only authoritarian right. Racism tends to correlate with authoritarianism, as opposed to economic left or right. Plenty of commies & progressives have done some terribly racist shit. Even with all the editing & whitewashing of FDR's speeches, and words he still comes off racist AF and even nominated a Klan leader to the supreme court.
  5. That dude is a fucking joke. I used to do web design at Cornell's medical college, at first I was like cool, this dude is kinda famous. Turns out everyone there thought he was a joke, and wondered why he wasn't fired yet after all the cringe snake oil he liked to promote. We made it a point to discreetly photoshop an old lady wearing a sweater with his face knitted into it, into the background of all the stock photos for the cardiology department. Surprised it took his grifting ass this long to become a politician.
  6. I'm radicalized every time I land a kick flip. I suppose it's possible to be radicalized by political memes. TBH I'd like to see his political compass results, from what I've heard about his manifesto, he was pretty much neo-liberal (older democrats like Hillary/Biden) with an extra twist of hard racism. The way the test works is it gets a general idea for your political tendencies. Issues like 2A probably aren't the most useful questions for the test I'm assuming, because even people from the authoritarian end might still support gun rights. Hence the "thin blue line" stickers next to "come and take it". I do think it's fairly predictable graffiti writers, or even former graffiti writers would end up anti authority, and economically on the left. We're not exactly known for licking police boots, or observing individual property rights.
  7. I opened the dirty pillow case covering one of my single wide trailer's windows, and looked out over a lawn with over a dozen junk cars. After earning 200k a year, it's nice knowing all the money I've invested from that is still all right there, with 100% of it's scrap metal value in tact. I can even roll just as much coal on those pussy ass teslas & cyclists as when I paid for the diesel in my 12mpg truck. I swear, I almost lost another tooth laughing at those commies I remembered rolling coal on the other day. Suddenly, a notification popped on my phone. "Yes!!! The crypto market dipped" and the warm comfort of the lord himself washed over my entire body. Knowing those dudes (that must think they're so smart) probably only earned 69x on their investments, instead of 420x for now, it's like my prayers have been answered. This is what having positive energy must feel like, but better. "Sucks to be you, libtards" I think to myself, as I close the "curtain", and celebrate with a big Texas sized hit of meth.
  8. From the outside, NFT's look like a lucrative scene, especially if you look at the numbers. From the inside, they're mostly an explanation where all the crypto you're trying to cash out came from, for the IRS. NFTs are kinda cringe even to a lot of crypto dudes. The upside is you can click around on most of the NFT marketplaces yourself, and make an NFT easier than figuring out how to embed images on the old 12oz for the first time, then just drop a link for the NFT's auction on social media. 2-3 hours tops. Artists that have already built any market for their work offline, are also having success offering their physical artwork for a crypto as a "discreet payment option". Wouldn't be surprised if there were several people following @Joker on social media right now, that suddenly low key found themselves crypto rich, and are looking to diversify their holdings so to speak.
  9. True story, Smol PP energy probably makes me fantasize about chopping down trees, rolling up the lawn and growing more food. Namely popcorn for some reason. My wife's not down with the idea, and I'm kinda on thin ice with this smol PP. It's best I don't upset her.
  10. Turned my biggest lawn into xeriscape, but I'm guilty of this. I terminate anything outside of a healthy blade of grass on sight, cleanest lawn on my street this year after a lot of digging up weeds, and planting grass. I don't think the lawn-care industry created this demand that much. I think for most dudes it just feels good reminding mother nature who runs these coordinates., and signalling for appearances.
  11. Mercer

    Anti-abortion law

    I actually advocate for the great replacement. The more opportunities a person has in life, the less likely they are to procreate. It's complicated but they have access to birth control, and normally have career and education goals they value higher than having kids often times until it's too late to have kids. Thinking this is a result of a class war, or implying a mythical "employer class" getting together deciding this is something I'd expect to come from Alex Jones if he was a Marxist. Not saying conservatives of all income levels aren't terrified of people more productive than them doing well here, but xenophobia isn't the causation in this case. The pro-life movement is rooted in economic motives, but not the one's you'd think, Conservatives are indoctrinated into various religious institutions and given the value "life > self ownership" because the more their members procreate, the more paying members they'll have in the future. It's easier to make a member, than convert a non-member into one. Any religious organization promoting less births would ultimately cease to exist. It's far easier take a young couple and talk them into having 6 or 7 kids, than it is to get them earning 6 or 7 times the average income to contribute back to the church. Basically membership dues is the reason every religion promotes the false rhetoric that "life" itself is the highest human value. It's important to note, this value only extends to potential new members of the church. If you're talking about someone being intentionally murdered like in war, or execution, AKA not a new potential contributing member, they don't seem to value human life as highly as logical consistency should dictate. This same obvious scamming of members applies to all Abrahamic religions, I can't speak to any others but I'd assume the same with them. Again, intentionally ending the life of a criminal, infidel, someone accused of witchcraft, etc. is often times encouraged, but any form of birth control is murder. Because of the false values, and rhetoric, values become distorted placing the value of life, over the value of self ownership. This collective ignorance of being mislead, coupled with the progressive drive to use government to force values on people who may not consent, you end up with pro lifers. They aren't able to be shut down because 90% of people believe in forcing their values on others. Thus, the argument between pro-life pro-choice becomes unprovable, and based on an even bigger pile of horse shit "when does life start". Like there's some magical definitive moment between a dick getting hard, and the results of that financially supporting themselves that a person becomes "alive" AKA not legally murderable by the parents. To me it's cringe watching people speculate on exactly what that moment is like their opinion really fucking matters. As a value, life isn't more important than the principal of self ownership. It's that simple. Anyone content with decisions governing their own body being decided by someone else is nothing more than an obedient, well trained slave.
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