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Everything posted by Mercer

  1. Never paid much attention to either of them. Which one did you think was better?
  2. Mercer


    GkyVcuk6Nn9q9JBl.mp4 Teenagers in some hoods theses days actually train. Noticed the display of flawless trigger discipline. Only one of them kinda disappoint by pointed at the camera for a second or two.
  3. IMO, Cappadonna, Masta Killa, Rebel INS, UGod, and Inspecta Deck never dropped solo projects even close to the rest of Wu Tang's members.
  4. Before I learned how to foreplay into WAP. n8kwa2giLhj1O_ml.mp4
  5. I still rank from a 90's perspective. I'd say longevity wise Ghost & Rae eventually came out on top with the 21st century bangers. That said, still kinda channel ODB's spirit when I hear his shit, I know it's a weird perspective but he's always going to be the Osiris of this shit. Seeing them perform with ODB's son last year helped me accept I'll never see him perform again. ODB RZA GZA RAE GhostFace Meth Cappadonna Masta Killa Rebel INS UGod
  6. Nobody believes me when I say leftists are racist AF lol
  7. Mercer


  8. When you asked for a Malcom but they give you Denzel.
  9. When I dip you dip we dip. Anyway, McDonalds new uniform looks good. Se y’all in the drive through.
  10. It's the difference between granting every agency nationwide that is providing security almost total immunity for the crimes they commit. Compared to the possibility some agencies may go rouge, but even if they do, can ultimately be held accountable for their crimes, and violation of rights. It may sound fucked up, but I really do think lack of accountability in policing attracts some of our worst sociopaths. Granted, not every cop is a sociopath, but they have to operate within that culture to have a career. I'm also certain there are some agencies that do have a culture of actual accountability, but from my experience living in large urban population centers that is almost never the case. In my opinion, the consideration becomes one where cognitive bias is applied due to programming. The person considering assumes the private option is for sure, not perfect, and rejects the idea. They're unaware they're siding with the obviously inferior option, where civil asset forfeiture outpaces theft by non-law enforcement criminals. The police can stop a small number of thefts and burglaries and people think they're doing their job. Theft alone doesn't take into account coward police not acting, and preventing others from doing so during a mass shooter event where children are being murdered, and allowed to bleed out. Police violently assaulting, sometimes murdering citizens for simply disobeying orders. Often times is doesn't matter if the victim was a criminal or not. What we're left with is a system that everyone by default, due to programming will not question. The Mesa police department is actually harassing Daniel Shaver's (the guy pictured being murdered) widow till this day, trying to silence her, out of fear her words may make someone question the system they exploit.
  11. https://fivethirtyeight.com/ I should have made it clearer, I'm not talking about all violence overall, as in gang violence, domestic violence, armed robberies, and the types of crime most of us can wrap our minds around, and sort of understand. I'm talking about these random acts of violence were are discussing in this thread specifically. We didn't have school shootings when I was in school, it wasn't until Columbine when those kids just started shooting other kids indiscriminately. Mass shootings weren't really a thing back then either like they are now. With Columbine, there wasn't a single target they were after. Same with Virginia Tech, the deadliest school shooting of all time. This is what we're discussing in this thread specifically, not the meet me outside and let's fight type. Sometimes when I'm in the context of a conversation, I don't feel the need to explain my statements are for the entire context of the discussion since it's obvious to me what I'm talking about. Granted it was confusing on my part as I derailed for a minute to discuss police violence, vs virtually non-existent security guard/private police violence, and not mass shootings. I also find "Source?" as a response lazy. I mean let's say I'm totally wrong, the least you could do is look up/present your own credible source to debunk what I say, instead of expecting the person you disagree with to do your research for you. I'm only doing it this one time because what I'm saying is rather odd, and unfamiliar to most people who conform to what the media tells them which is the vast majority. For me, it's just not possible to think it's the guns, because we've have these weapons in this country for well over a century. Now all of a sudden the guns themselves decided to just start shooting people for no reason? This is what the corporate media "sources" we find credible are attempting to misguide the masses into believing. Our oligarchs and authoritarian type leaders have always wanted us defenseless. I'm not a fox news watching conservative, but I smell the bullshit they're cooking up to achieve total control as an Agorist. To your point, you're correct in saying statistically many of the most common forms of violence have decreased during the age of mass incarceration that started in the 1990's. This "normal" type of violence is understood by most, unlike this mass shooter shit where people are mostly confused. Basically any one of us, including myself could see myself/ourselves doing an armed robbery if the family doesn't have any prospects for food on the table and are starving. At least me. I could also see me getting violent if there's no other course for retaliation agains someone who's severely violated me or my family, and may decide to do it again as in someone did X, and now it's time for me to do Y. This type of violence was on the dip mid 90's to pre-pandemic. Mass shootings we're not a thing back in the day. You may have had gang wars like Al Capone and the valentines day massacre. The thing is, back in those days you could pick up sticks of dynamite to get rid of a stubborn stump in your front yard, or order a full auto Tommy gun with a 100 round drum magazine in the mail no questions asked. The question I'm trying to pose here is why were there no school shootings back then? Why was it so uncommon for someone to open fire in a grocery store indiscriminately murdering people? TBH I'd rather deal with the gang violence, where I can avoid that shit by not joining a gang, or regular violence I can avoid by not being violent myself, not ripping people off. I just don't like the fact my wife & I pretty much have to leave our house, for example go to the grocery store, and in doing so are exposed to random violence. I really don't want to concealed carry every day, but if I have to so be it.
  12. Public school programs all of us to never question their centralized system of forced taxation, and authority, so everyone by default thinks getting together with your neighbors to train to handle your own security, and/or hiring full time security is a terrible idea. People legit think we'd devolve into "Anarchy" that way, which due to our programming sounds terrible, and violent. Fact is, these last 2 generations we've evolved into exponentially increasing violence anyway. I mean we even have more stabbing per capita than England Western Europe's stab & slash shit hole (England). At the same time violence increases, Police join into the mix, and face almost no consequences for violating citizens or not doing their jobs, while security guards & private citizens securing people/property actually do. Those doing private security professionally are trained to avoid harming people, even criminals at all costs during their daily course of action, because their employers will be sued under a much more fair set of rules. Courts naturally back the police every time, because it's the same shit organization policing itself when they're sued or one of their own is charged in a crime. Thus, things like qualified immunity, and civil asset forfeiture outpacing the losses to illegal thefts become the norm.
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