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Everything posted by Mercer

  1. Mercer


  2. Mercer


    I’m on a straightedge kick RN, but could still see myself doing something like this regardless. The other day I had my phone up to my ear having a conversation, and was trying to leave but looking all over kinda terrified for my phone.
  3. Mercer


  4. I'm just here thinking how can I profit from this. I'm thinking about hiring a doctor, and trappin out of a Whinnebago in one of those inbred southern states. $500 a pop cash or crypto, $750 for twins, or you can pay child support for 18 years bruh. Your choice.
  5. Nothing is whiter than that weird ass first name tho, while R Kelly is too black for releasing songs like "Real Talk". Even in today's extra woke environment, the Jury still had to factor in the strong cultural differences, and throw in 5 extra for "Trapped In The Closet". To be honest though, hoping he doesn't die in there and has some money when he gets out. I'm going to piss on a rich white bitch to help get even for him.
  6. Mercer


  7. Mercer


  8. Mercer


  9. This one isn't so bad for a goofy type.
  10. Everyone's future favorite cell mate.
  11. Some women/girls can't really afford to travel out of state, and will be forced to give birth. Often times through no fault of their own because of nonconsensual sex. Others will take measures into their own hands, and be tried and convicted of murder thus, increasing incarceration rates. This will in effect be a much worse fate for those living in religious majority shithole states, especially when these unwanted, and quite frankly impossible to raise properly children reach their teenage years. A lot of libertarian types are saying vote with your feet, but that's kind of a foolish, and completely unrealistic take. If the girls, and women that actually get abortions had the time preference required to pick up and move to another state preemptively, they obviously wouldn't need abortions in the first place. This hot take is as unproductive, and foolish of a take as telling someone to "just don't be poor" or "everyone should just follow their dreams". Christianity, and other right wing foolishness like pro-war nationalism, victimless crime enforcement is often times intertwined with Libertarianism because idiots on the right can't admit to themselves they are not pro-freedom at all. I myself struggle with the States rights angle here. Like I'm obviously very pro choice, but I'm also very anti centralization, and want to see legal, economic, and cultural fragmentation to allow for progress, instead of a one size fits all stagnation. So if a rule put in place by the Federal government is removed, it's one step closer towards this goal. It still doesn't sit right with me, because both of these values are at conflict here. Luckily, as a Voluntaryist, my highest value explains this internal conflict of values that I hold. Every human being by default has absolute ownership over their body, and all matters concerning every living cell in their body require their consent, and nothing more. Even when the decision one person makes concerning their own body, may harm, or even end the life of another, their cooncent is still required. Life just isn't my highest value.
  12. That last pic of her she looks dope, the top photos though meh. She looks like a 10, don’t get me wrong but for some reason looks like she just lays there while you’re piping, not hints where that G spot is because she doesn’t have one, no cowgirl or throat skills. Might sound weird, but I’d rather have a 7 or 8 with cellulite, and non-rich wimminz clothes & hairdo that can ride hard. Rather than a 10 that looks like a 1st place trophy on your arm but just sits there like a trophy in a case, not doing anything that thinks doggy style hurts, or sucking dick loud AF is demeaning or something. I’m a down to earth type connoisseur of fine vaginals,
  13. Found a photo of this Makita Chad, 1200 W hour battery backpack powering a single cup coffee maker. Extra unnecessary flex.
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