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Everything posted by Mercer

  1. A flashback to the infamous tease post where he photoshopped up some abs.
  2. I chose not to get a MOS Glock, or mill mine for a red dot thinking that's not strictly self defense. After seeing dude's extremely proper CC use probably going to mill mine, or a green laser in the near future. There's so many mass shooters here, it would suck to not hit the target, or have to try to get closer to prevent hitting anyone else. Still training with a bone stock Glizzy for now. No way I'd get 8 out of 10 at 40 yards in a heated situation.
  3. I'm not sure why they wouldn't just bypass the patents & license it for manufacturers cost free in California. Sounds great on paper but this is legit dangerous. Anyone who's ever worked in, or directly with the government can tell you it's terrible at everything it does. There's an extremely consistant statistic that shows it costs government exponentially more to provide any service, and the service they provide is usually the worse than any private firm much like the VA, or other agencies that are granted a virtual monopoly where it doesn't matter what the cost/benefit is. Worse yet, I could also see them making millions of people dependent on the program, then cutting people off next "crisis", or more likely just to further political/social credit score agendas. Driving out competition, and competitors until there's only one source on the block. IMO medical patents are the problem, and pure evil. I worked for Cornell, and watched this shit go down first hand. Half the medical research was conducted with taxpayer funds, the other half public/private philanthropic donations, and very little actual corporate/private money was invested. Wild guess what happens when they discover, test, and produce a useful drug. Every fucking time the patent somehow goes to a major global pharma mega-corp. It's such a sham and legit causes death/poor health in people who most likely paid those taxes for the research in the first place. Dates back to the original/actual meaning of monopoly. Has nothing to do with one firm out competing all other's on the market, making it too hard on their competition. Monopoly is where the monarch would grant a family member, or loyal supporter who's also a manufacturer, or merchant a "monopoly". Meaning the force of the entire state would be used against any of their competitors, thus allowing ridiculous pricing. This is essentially what medical patents are. Start making your own insulin and get your property/factory ganked and go to jail basically. A system that's so retarded, but the vast majority of voters are too so not a big deal because the masses are fooled by stupid stunts like this and think "the goberment will save meh".
  4. Join @MegaRedLinks2 on Reddit (54).mp4 How I'd play with the booty: redditsave.com_ultra_slimy_and_a_non_stick_liquid_satisfying_asf-73938887zxc91.mp4
  5. Mercer


    Not going to lie, this cop impressed me. He gets slashed/stabbed, shot someone, didn't even raise his voice once. That's how it should be, zero emotion. If you could bottle that much chill we could really help the European pussies that can't take the heat. My apologies for the pro-police post but thought it was interesting and real as fuck. Modesto Police Officer Shoots Suspect Who Charged At Him With a Knife.mp4
  6. I've actually thought about what this job would be like. It can't be that good, you're either smelling/looking at something putrid , or trying to tuck your boner. Sometimes both.
  7. Believe it or not, pussy hole inspector. It's a lot more of a chill/fun job than it sounds, actually relieves more stress than it causes. Some people call it stay at home husband.
  8. Nobody really cares about her she's been unsmashworthy for a long time.
  9. DO YOU SAVE YOUR CHANGE.mp4 Me trading in the last of my bitcoins & shitcoins for more ETH before the merger.
  10. Smashable when she was younger, but time has not been kind to her. Def top notch friends zone material though.
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