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Everything posted by Mercer

  1. I'd say that's mostly correct, but where I live, my taxes fund mass incarceration programs, hundreds of thousands of $70k bombs a year on average to drop on people that earn less than $5 a day, and social welfare programs designed specifically to keep people poor for generations. The only way it would become less destructive, and more beneficial here in the U.S. IMO is if the federal government were completely abolished, and taxes were collected & spent only on the state & local levels. Some of the states themselves are too large/heavily populated and would do better to be broken down to smaller segments. The larger the taxpaying federation is, the more cost/benefit an official overseeing spending sees in wasting funds, since their local state only bears 1/50th the burden of waste on average, and their local municipality is harmed to an even lesser degree. Thus the more likely taxes are to be wasted, or straight up embezzled in whatever legal loopholes a politician or bearocrat can exploit to their own benefit. The smaller the collective population becomes, the more benefit collective funding methods provide because it becomes more voluntary. Democracy itself becomes far less harmful on the local level, because if any one outvoted minority group, or even a single individual in the population feels their needs are not being met, they have more of an opportunity to vote in a way that actually counts, with their feet. People in small countries are much more engaged, and paying attention because it's possible for them to actually see the benefits unlike here. Just looking at the metrics of benefit the federal department of education has done since it's inception, where we're now so much further behind countries much poorer than us may make you rethink the taxes funneled through them. Perhaps seeing the reverse course black people's standards of living becoming closer to average have suffered since democrats changed their branding to low expectations & welfare spending during the civil rights eras. I could list example after example. For as long as there are 350 million+ of mostly retarded voters fighting for our own individual bullshit visions of national utopias, sociopaths attracted to power will continue to spend literal Trillions in tax dollars in countries like Afghanistan, or Iraq only to make a few corporations (that donate to both parties) an extra billion here & there. Millions more will die for no reason whatsoever. These are facts, and there isn't a record out there that doesn't support them. Paying taxes is super immoral.
  2. The level of bots unleashed by the IRS is unbelievable over this last week. "Taxes are the price we pay to live in a civilized society" like forcibly taking your own citizens money to murder millions of civilians across the globe is the pinnacle of societal evolution.
  3. Mercer


    This elephant definitely lurks in the thicc thread h4Z2QvN - Imgur.mp4
  4. Mercer


  5. Mercer


  6. Wonder when vibrators with upload grip strength, and moisture content to tinder for higher profile ratings.
  7. Mercer


  8. Mercer


    Stupid motherfucker. Not for defending his store, but for the way he bragged about it afterwords, basically snitching on himself, dropping plenty of evidence to be used against him in a criminal/civil trial. He should have observed the Pot brother's "shut the fuck up Friday". "Do you see the perpetrator?" Yea, I'm right here.
  9. Mercer


    This is the energy I'm trying to match. dLgpmbwpHQ_s0ZhZ.mp4
  10. BriefAppropriateEasteuropeanshepherd-mobile.mp4
  11. I can see how it's funny on some levels of dark humor, but I'm in a keeping it real mood until this coffee does it's job. Just know too many good people close to me that had their lives, and chances for a career ruined by fed fuckboys for minor shit bullshit like this. TBH the only humor on this that made me laugh was a fake Russian newspaper headline saying she's being transferred to a mens prison because she had a massive cock.
  12. The vast majority of Americans think weed should be legal, but instead of valuing our own logic, the drive to punish people who don't hold the same values is so overwhelming half the people I see online are celebrating her being kidnapped for 9 years for personal use. Even the (I always knew they were fake) people who swear they're libertarian, and "love muh freedom". Kinda mind blowing. I'm not down with the woke shit either everyone seems to be associating her with, but my values aren't so out of wack that I don't recognize this as a somewhat major Loss. Hate is like a grip that not only gets stronger within you every time you embrace it, it also tightens the squeeze on others when they're outraged at your own depravity. It's like a multiplier we seem to not even care about. Pretty hard to argue we don't deserve exactly what's coming to us. I mean I think the woke: openly racist against white people, sexist against men, champagne sipping millionaire fake socialist grifter bullshit is lame as fuck myself, but more importantly, that's someone's relative, friend, teammate, business associate or partner and we're all in this shit together. We just lost some of the best years of a super productive person to the cheers of the people that benefit from their productivity. Pretending it's anything but hate is some fakest of the fake shit. We're all literally retarded.
  13. Pioneering new genres of Graffiti
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