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Everything posted by Mercer

  1. This thread is proof there's not enough Mexicans in the North East yet. I've never even heard of white sauce out here in former Mexican territory, or in NYC. Sounds like when the actual food is too spicy for Americans so they make up food like Chop Suey. There are only 4 places in the world I could eat local only for the rest of my life and be happy, Mexico is def one of them.
  2. Mercer


  3. Mercer


    Cool band, but that guitar tho
  4. Mercer


  5. Tariq Nasheed just dragged Fat Joe extra hardbody a couple of nights ago. He should have posted this shit.
  6. Shai is a total ass, he's Libertarian, but most Libertarians think he's a POS anyway, and the anarchists think even less of him. At first he was sort of welcomed as nobody really likes, or admits they're libertarian so a celebrity is always welcomed. That said his actions and people's personal interactions with him eventually made him a pariah in the Ancap/Lib communities. Also, he's just a POS. From his Wiki:
  7. Mercer


    eSDj1EWvOl8x4nIF.mp4 Mistaken Identity, the pig here thought this was someone who evaded him the night before (wrong). The kid somehow survived, probably because the majority of cops are gigantic pussies and cant fight, or shoot properly. The only thing the cop got for this was fired, he's still not charged with anything
  8. Truth be told, I'm rooting for Kanye. I also think white lives matter but def not Shia's, same for Candice, fingers crossed she has an altercation with the abusive/killer cops she supports no matter how fucked their actions clearly are. Only after she sees the light can she touch the PP.
  9. Kanye is cringe AF, but no where near the level of cringe Shie L'Beouf brings to the table.
  10. Still think He's Genius for his music between 2004 to 2010ish. Every album shifted other people's music, and more or less sparked Sub Genres esp. 808 & Heartbreaks. That said, I think it went to his head, and he thought he was some sort of DaVinci or some shit. No. Everything he does on the visual tip is hideous. I can't believe people buy Yeezeys they look like bobo's fucked moon boots and didn't abort the fetus. Pure garbage. Any self comparison he's made to Basquait our great fashion designers is pure delusion. I know art school dropouts with well below average IQ's with 100x better visuals than him. He should have stoped at "My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy" and never gotten into fashion. Crazy is only tolerable when the work is on point.
  11. ssstwitter.com_1665069895929.mp4
  12. Anything but political memes, which should be a sub unto itself. Also the Abstract, and Babble threads always belong in untitled.
  13. Damn@MOOGLE?you're def well read on this. Respect.
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