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Everything posted by Mercer

  1. Mercer


  2. Throwing public temper tantrums for 15 minutes of fame is so hot right now. Too bad they make your cause look like shit.
  3. Mercer


  4. Propers for Gorilla Biscuits. Never saw them live but they still end up on rotation occasionally.
  5. redditsave.com_rate_these_tricks_by_tyshawn_jones-7j5rsckzh7v91.mp4
  6. redditsave.com_got_a_clip_had_a_few_beers_then_did_these_for_fun-cgtgog8be9v91.mp4
  7. This is exactly where I see most cases popping up, making the rounds, and constantly lingering. Crazy as fuck he doesn't have a built up immunity at this point. They need better air circulation/filtration there.
  8. Yea, this civil lawsuit shit is kinda lame also, even if someone says provably wrong shit, it's just lame AF. I think there has to be provable damages, as in monetary loss, and provable intent, as in Kanye intentionally meant to harm George Floyd's family, or Alex Jones intended to hurt Sandy Hook parents maliciously. We've entered an era where journalists can be targeted, wiretapped, and held for extradition to the United States just for exposing war crimes. We've already slid way down a slippery slope and picking up speed. If you just say something provably false because you're kinda retarded, and prone to conspiracy theories, it's probably harmful on more than one level. That said, the alternative to allowing people to be wrong is much worse. It creates a perfect environment where anyone can be silenced. Exaggerate a little in a bad review? Amazon might sue you. Call Trump a piece of shit, technically he's only made up of 20% feces at most before his morning shit, so get ready to lose everything you own. Free speech is a fundamental human right.
  9. How did he get Covid 5 times, like WTF is he doing for work?
  10. Mercer


    A very fitting salute. lol
  11. Mercer


    redditsave.com_big_black_hawk-c9lonf29zzu91 (1).mp4
  12. Mercer

    War Mongers

    The only people telling the truth about this outside of Libertarians are Socialists, and people keep wondering why they're winning. redditsave.com_2_members_of_european_parliament_from_ireland-kzuct302dzu91.mp4
  13. Mercer

    War Mongers

    Most people are inherently good, and truly wish no harm on others. Some people, if they knew they wouldn't suffer consequences would do terrible things to others. The only thing stopping (most of) them from acting on these harmful impulses is fear they may be punished by someone, or something more powerful than them. This perspective brings with it fear, and the assumption others have the same impulses as them. So this deep seated fear, and lack of inner moral guidance creates an overwhelming need for order. To them, strict rules on everything should be imposed on everyone, with dire consequences for breaking these rules. This is the mantra of all authoritarians, the use, or threat of force to impose strict order. When it comes down to it, there's really not much difference in thinking between a nazi & a communist, they only disagree with which set of rules would work better. So with that said, as they live In this deep state of fear from others, imposing order becomes everything to them, and fills the void left by lack of moral code. Without these morals to draw from, they're unable to judge right from wrong, rather, they're only able to discern order, and disorder. That's why to them, killing millions of people in Iraq is OK, as long as it fits into the chain of command that they are able to understand. Regardless of any damage, or harm to anyone, breaking this chain of command is the ultimate crime to them. They simply cannot see the morals at play, only what's order, or disorder.
  14. Mercer


    The irony of a cop talking about "never won a fair fight"
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