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Everything posted by Mercer

  1. It would be legal in every state to suck the tits of someone born on the day 2 posts before mine was made.
  2. Pretty sure I saw him promoting AOC's grift. Half his fanbase is probably quick to cancel types, just there for an advanced course in NY street slang. He can't go back delete every /nohomo. That said, 100% more respect for him feeding his family the way he does than if he repped 12oz. You'd need fuck you money & a big scoop of Yetard for that shit.
  3. Mercer


  4. redditsave.com_have_assaultcakes_gone_too_far-d0gb95gsr8w91.mp4
  5. I thought this was satire earlier today, this is unreal AF.
  6. The straightest option is gender reassignment surgery and finger banging.
  7. I've been following him on Twitter for a while. I think he's trying to distance himself from Democratic Socialists, and the mainstream in general, and lean more Immortal Technique. Outside of some pro-gun posts he's still pretty far left.
  8. That sounds like something someone with no viable sprouts yet would make up.
  9. That's just it, it's oversimplification into "the Jews". Pretty sure I'm older than Kanye, I remember the entire fad of gangsta rap when it was just getting started, and that shit was promoted so hard there were a few years it was the only rap that survived. Even MC Hammer tried to make a comeback during this era wearing a black beanie and trying to look hard. It's kinda retarded to think gangsta rap, and other media stereotypes are a conspiracy by any group other than consumers of said entertainment. People will do whatever they think makes money period. That's why Disney, and others are capitalizing on the woke tip now. The moment Black, White, Jewish etc. individuals start thinking that genre of stereotyping is no longer profitable, they'll move on to the next thing.
  10. I don't pull out anymore, but if we're doing something that isn't intercourse I cum in my hand and wash it off in the sink like a gentleman. What are you doing with your cum when you're not gulping down your own incel glizzy@Deine Mudder? Do you bend it backwards into your own asshole, or use a sock or something?
  11. Yea, the humor in it is more along the lines of someone actually posted this sign up. If this were really true, my master bath sink would have clogged up, or got pregnant a long time ago.
  12. I look at it more like even in his prime, he was near impossible to follow in a conversation. He jumps around from subject, to subject so quickly I can't follow what he's really trying to say. It's like when he was first talking shit on Jews, I was like yes, we need to take notes on what they're doing to emulate that for our own success and take over. Turns out he meant it as some sort of grift to get fash support, which makes zero sense. How TF are fash going to ever have his back for real. This man is out here literally trying to fight a war now 100% on his own, because he's popped off so much nobody really has his back. First he's like "slavery was a choice" then a few years later he's like "Kim taking away my black babies", then instead of people rallying to his support, it's crickets & giggles. I mean on one hand I know for sure dude's way smarter, and more talented than I am, and I'm 100% for non-conformity to mainstream norms. On the other hand, realistically speaking, his transition into right wing heel just makes zero cents when he should be out here increasing his dollars. Truth be told, I'll always kinda root for Kanye low key, but at the same time that clip from the interview kinda shows how little he values surrounding himself with anything but yes men, or legit anyone that can break down the discrepancies between everyone else's perceived reality, and his. If I didn't have close friends I respect calling me on my bullshit I'd probably be designing proverbial foamposit crocs knock offs myself instead of steady rising up.
  13. You know for a fact someone's an asshole when they're rude to Lex Friedman, or Nardwuar. Not going to lie, I thought there'd be zero chances Adidas would cut ties, giving up a quarter of billion dollars just in the first 3 months is fucking insane. Looks like Nike was wrong about not doing business with him though. Could have raked in billions, then cut ties when he did fuck up like Adidas just did for the virtue signal.
  14. Mercer


    Too lazy to google, I think the name of the event is on the background. Felt the same way, strong intro, then once it got going it cuts off.
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