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Everything posted by Mercer

  1. redditsave.com_this_footage_of_the_celebrations_in_buenos_aires-hyzrn3dojs6a1.mp4
  2. Normally I'd hate on team sports, but my wife is Argentinian and way into Soccer. We woke up early AF (6:00am) to get to these two spots in Denver hosting Argentineans (Maria's Empanadas). It was a flop. There wasn't even standing room in either spot and I hadn't charged my car in a few days so there wasn't any battery left. We made it to a charger in Colorado Mills, and the only open sports bar nearby was Twin Peaks. Normally slightly cringe in there but at 8:00 am holy shit. I've never seen a place so full of losers in my life. For those that don't know, twin peaks is like a fake Hooter's hence the name. Instead of orange shorts and tank tops, they make the waitresses dress like literal street walkers so that more dudes that are vaginally challenged will show up. Not going to lie though, I'd been there before for two work lunch meetings that were a total wastes of time, but it was sort of normal as the food/drinks are priced well and not too bad. Anyway, we were the only non-whites in the house. Felt even sketchier because most of them were already on their 3rd or 4th beer by 8:30 am and intentionally avoiding eye contact or acknowledgement. Might have just been typical incel shit. Many of them looked like rednecks, and a couple had the Hitler flop over hair style with shaved sides. So I assumed these freedom fries eating losers are def not on France's side, especially since France's team was mostly black. So most of the game was a big nothing burger until France scored it's first couple of goals nearing the end of the 2nd half. Every one of these people started cheering for France. Racism wasn't there for me when I needed it the most, and my disappointment was immeasurable. Wife reached her cringe limit though. We hopped in the whip and bounced. Luckily a homie kinda nearby in Golden who's into soccer had it at his house so we ended up there after hitting triple digits in a 45mph zone as to not miss anything. Watched the last 15 minutes, and then the OT or whatever they call it, and couldn't be happier with the results.
  3. Got the street side done, the other half of my lights are arriving after Christmas so this as far as I’m going this year.
  4. Ive got 3 giant elms with these tiny little bullshit ass leaves that are impossible to rake. Raked/cleaned the entire yard spotless mow that all the leaves are down. Then climbed up on the roof, did the lights and noticed my gutters were clogged full of leaves and frozen goop. So I had to take the blower up and make a fucking mess on all 4 sides of the house and then cleaned that shit again like an asshole.
  5. Propers on that repair. Also just put a new outlet up under my roof late AF in December. Lights are nothing fancy, but I noticed I stared at that shit when I got them up for a minute. First time doing lights on the house. Honestly never thought I'd be out there like Clark Griswold. You put the lights yet?
  6. I don't even see how this would benefit crackheads & junkies. If they really didn't want to get high, they simply wouldn't be using fentanyl. Pretty sure this was made for specifically for authoritarians, to help them micro-mange other peoples bodies, and private lives without their consent.
  7. Mugshawtys on twitter is my new smash or trash.
  8. Complex subject. There are some rare artists that develop signature illustration styles that take years to come up with. The styles are intentionally hard to imitate. AI can be used to break down every pen & brush stroke to produce similar illustrations that are identical in style. This essentially disincentivizes human advancements in art. I think this is what most people are upset about. Personally, I'm not sure if this hate is valid or invalid yet. I mean if your work is great, but nobody knows your name, and they would prefer to buy an AI piece over your artwork I think you must have slacked on creating a compelling public persona and accumulating fame. I know tons of people with skills 100x better than respected writers, but we all feel personally aren't shit, when they're compared to so called "talentless" bombers that actually do more than legals and dead spots. I've always been the type to diss "purists" artists that think the tools some artists use are so good, that their art doesn't count. Think someone who likes rock, and hates rap, so they say the beats are invalid because there's not a person playing the drums. That's bullshit. Same thing for people who think an artists needs to grind their own pigments, and assemble their own brush, and stretch all their own canvases, etc. It's bullshit. I'm so far gone of this shit I appreciate visual, and musical art created entirely digitally sometimes way more than organically produced shit. Being upset someone has a better tools is usually just envy based. I can't lie though, I feel this way myself seeing kids that don't know how to shoplift paint a piece way better than my garbage pieces in the 90's with low pressure cans and youtube tutorials on their phones. Fact is, if I had mom's credit card and low pressure artsy paints I would have used them too. If I had been better at doing pieces maybe I wouldn't be jealous now. Emotions are not a measure of validity.
  9. I get when people are outraged by people doing harmful shit, but there's this modern automatic condemnation of rich, and successful people. Nothing will get you more clicks and likes than expressing hate for them. The entire reasoning for this outrage is fiction based to begin with, in order to deflect from the fact it's envy based. It's only natural to extend this fiction based outrage to fictional characters.
  10. If they only knew what batself & Robin do behind closed doors their victimhood status would ascend above a Cis gendered white woman's and there'd be no problem.
  11. Mercer


  12. Mercer


  13. redditsave.com_two_skateboarding_maneuvers-vcurnc3ri83a1.mp4
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