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Everything posted by beanshore

  1. is it just me, or is reading beef sometimes more fun than looking at pictures?
  2. "We need the death penalty for graffiti vandals. And then we need to kick Reed college out of Oregon. That is where a lot of those losers come from."
  3. does skaterbydaywriterbynight know how to spell anyone?
  4. we want chilly willy we want chilly willy
  5. bro, why you posting face pics of gimer on the internet?
  6. ok well its at least homie bumping, and i dont know whos account that is so potentially self bumping, with no pics to reference. along with someone requesting to be homie bumped, and all thats not cool to me. forget i said anything, i dont want to take up page space over this.
  7. hahahahaha, ive never seen beef using drippys before
  8. sweet tie sticker in the dumpster
  9. who does these characters? where can i see more?
  10. to finish up that set phucks started
  11. also, while i was going through all of those pics i noticed some shit that people said that was funny/interseting. so here are some of my favorite quotes
  12. oh and 'lemond2' i would have had more of your stuff but your pics were expired or something?
  13. ....done! i think that gave us back about 70 pages
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