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Everything posted by booniesbomber

  1. i need to do one of these but at school. hmmmm... ill get on it asap.
  2. Re: ANIMATED GIF HALL OF FAME SUPERTHREAD hahahahahaha i didnt see that comming.
  3. Re: ANIMATED GIF HALL OF FAME SUPERTHREAD hahah bump that counter strike one.
  4. booniesbomber


    proablly because Seat is a fucking Beast. learn your shit khed.:lol:
  5. Re: ANIMATED GIF HALL OF FAME SUPERTHREAD hahaha ohh man that little kids OWNED thatt guy! hahahahahaha
  6. BUMP the shipwreck collection, im wearing their shit i got at their show a few weeks back. so good live. to any big indie fans, has anyone ever seen the Mt.Erie album with the crazy ammount of photos taken by the lead singer? great photos. and the music.... ok.
  7. [ATTACH]76358[/ATTACH] i had a really good one... but it wont let me upload it. :o
  8. ive seen Lets Do this! its quite the good video. i randomly stopped buying skate videos at around summer time cuz i realized im spening lots of money i dont have on all these videos. haha but since its christmas i can hope for some new shoes and some $$$ so i can get the lakai video!
  9. ^^ haha samee here. theres too much going on. so, after reading these comments about Fully Flared... im going to have to go buy it. since im lazy and stopped buying skate videos... any other new ones worth spending money on i should know about, because the articles in transworld arent convincing enough.
  10. haha yeah have heart is amazing too. but yeah its kinda lame that they had to add A.D. to the end. its weird to get used to.
  11. hell yeah! i saw shipwreck last weekend. it was fucking nuts. anyone else in here really into Guns Up? they are amazing. check them out.
  12. booniesbomber


    anyone play Counter Strike Source? if so get at me via PM!
  13. booniesbomber


    @ spc again. get off the computer and go practice.... or instead you could get over your mid life crisis and stop painting and get a life. cuz your life most certanly not made for writing. :lol: TOY!
  14. booniesbomber


    hahaha cuz unlike you, id like to keep my shit off the internet. i dont need people online to respect my shit. i have respect from writers on the streets and thats all that matters. taking flicks of your shit is good, but taking the flick posting it ON EVERY FUCKING THREAD ON EVERY SITE,a nd claiming your self as KING, is only earning you web-cred, and it makes you look like a self loving 4 yr old.:rolleyes:
  15. booniesbomber


    hahahahahahahaha stop calling people toys, YOU ARE A TOY. now im not something to brag about, but my throws look better then your shit, but then again so doesnt everyones.:lol:
  16. booniesbomber


    master of toys, havent we gone over this. its simple your throw is toy and everyone is sick of looking at that shit.. but you got my respect for getting up pretty well... but that throw needs some work.
  17. hahahahaha i think what we need to do is wait for the worlds largest ICP show... then drop bombs on it. ohh and if im ever elected president i will make sure this shit is illegal any homo wearing facepaint will be shot. hahaha i actualy almost got into a fight with one of these queers. haha i was like "you listen to ICP?! haha they suck and your a fagot for listing to them" then he was like " fuck you! GET DOWN WITH THE CLOWN" then ran like a bitch when i came after him hahahaha. i also have gained MUCH respect for eminem for dissing them.
  18. booniesbomber


    i love Giants throw and Colt45s. soo fresh.
  19. booniesbomber


  20. booniesbomber


  21. booniesbomber


    .... haha i dont think its toy. its a fucking throwie dude, its not supposed to be amazing. hes got some creative shit going on and it all flows, so there for its all good.
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