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Posts posted by *42

  1. Re: TEAM ALCO


    I love doing that, people calling you when you're all trashed, and you trying to tell them you just had a beer or two, but really you had like 16 and you've already fucked a fat chick in the bathroom.

  2. Hey... Lets have this same conversation for another 10 pages. Because since all of you guys arguing are totally in the crew that you say they are biting, than you have valid points, right?


    I know you guys don't want to look back a few pages to find where Eklips and Revok said they aren't trippin, and that dudes held them down while they were there. But Jesus Christ, is it REALLY that serious to you that you guys need to argue the same fucking point over and over, when you aren't in MSK TSL, or even the same fucking country as these guys?

  3. Re: Don't Call it Frisco


    I'm just saying, you could save yourself a lot of time by not even signing on to 12oz.


    You could just open Microsoft Word, and write the same kind of stuff you always do.




    "Yo the state of graffiti isn't what it used to be a decade ago. Because unlike fashion, music, the middle east, and everything else in the world, I thought graff would stay the same"


    Then you could wait a few minutes, maybe go get a beer... Then respond to nothing. Just like you did when no one was paying attention to you.


    "No fuck that, I've been in the game for 36 years. This is the end all of graff knowledge. Right here. Graffiti ends with me."


    Then you could download some Raven Riley porn, rub one off, and go to bed content with yourself, and we wouldn't have to read it, or the people who always respond to argue with you.



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