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Posts posted by *42

  1. Re: Don't Call it Frisco


    Uh yeah he came on here abunch. He got busted out and stopped coming on here.


    I'll catch him around and about, I'm not worried about it. I just think it's all bad to snitch. I'm pretty sure I'm cool with DubKayTee though. So yeah.

  2. You really underestimate the cops.


    They are not stupid.


    They know its there, they know what it says.


    They probably already have files on those guys.


    Im not saying anything they dont already know.


    But why do you have to make it easier on them? Seriously, just chill out.

  3. Re: TEAM ALCO


    No see, a bigger person (ready for this big word?) METABOLIZES beer at a different rate. Maybe you haven't seen this...




    See how as the weight goes up, so does the amount of drinks one can have?


    I'm about 165. Which means I could have about 3 to 4 drinks and still be under the legal limit.


    Now they don't have a weight chart for 275, but as you could see, he could probably have up to about 7 drinks, and still be within the legal limit.

  4. Re: TEAM ALCO


    You can't be in the Alco thread talking about "if you drink anything and drive you're stupid" because anyone that's in here, probably does it all the time.

  5. Re: TEAM ALCO


    Actually your weight has tons to do with it. If dude weighs damn near 300 (ya fat bastard) then he isn't really drunk off of 3 or 4 beers. Especially if he's just chillin and drinking slow or whatever.


    What so any person that goes to a bar and has one beer shouldn't be driving? That's retarded.

  6. Re: Don't Call it Frisco


    Plus dudes couldn't even do a good swastika .


    If you take out the Nazi factor. A swastika basically just means good luck and success.


    So basically dude dissed the truck with the equivalent of writing "I wish you well in all things that you do".


    That's funny to me.

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