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crime stoppers

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Posts posted by crime stoppers

  1. hathawaylane asked: You do realize that this is your fault in that you should have not been doing that with the door unlocked. She could arrive at any moment she wants because she lives there so it's your responsibility to be respectful and be on the safe side. It's called being an adult. Stop acting like a 7 year old.


    So your SHAMING me now? First of all you dont know shit you stupid bitch. SHE wrote me saying she wouldnt be back until TODAY when she came back early and had been there since THURSDAY. Our door was locked but she has a FUCKING KEY. So after she had dinner with her friends she CAME BACK AND I DIDNT KNOW SHE WOULD BE. GO ROT IN FUCKING HELL BITCH! HOW DARE YOU SHAME ME!


    edit* she was masturbating, hard.


    i feel like i'm the massgraff of the true or false thread up in this bitch right now.

  2. ^^^despite homosexuals not being common in Poland because they got fucking curb-stomped by the masses of angry communists who were very religiously conservative.


    i have met maybe 4 fagets in 9 months in poland, they all have stories. like this one dude i know was part of a 5 dude ass-plowing conga line.


    nonsense, i think yes.

  3. Relative thin privilege is falling firmly into the “fat” category, but on the smaller (US size 16) end and never even thinking (never NEEDING to think) of how hard it is for women who are above a size 24, the max size at many “plus size” stores.


    Thin privilege is being fat, but being able to buy your clothes in a brick and mortar store with ease.

  4. crimestoppers you need to stop going to those stupid blogs. that shit is retarded.


    you need to go suck a bag of dicks you filthy jew.







    "Traveling on a crowded bus into the city


    >I am sitting on the outside seat as a lone woman approaches


    >She moves to stand next to my seat, proud of her independence and capability


    >A devious smile crosses my masculine face as I begin to stand for her


    >A horrified expression darkens her feminine features as she realizes what is taking place


    >Tears begin to form, her face trembles, all pride is being wiped from that once confident expression


    >I gesture for her to take my seat, my erection clearly visible to all and her powerlessness becoming more prominent


    >She takes the seat, thanking my mournfully with tears of impotent rage undisguised


    >The other standing men begin to grunt and beat their chests, the women stare sadly at their feet, wishing they were anywhere but on that bus


    >I lean into the young lady and whisper softly


    >”it was my privilege”.




    I hope you fucking die"

  5. invites for demonoid aren't hard to come by, when the fucking site is up. i can't find ~50% of the hip hop i want on piratebay or isohunt.


    OP (i forgot who you are) i can link you to the torrent for Django Unchained, be warned though it's about 2.8 GB, took me 6 fucking hours to download. worth it though, it's a fucking cowboy kill bill flick with the nazi hunter from ingloriouos basterds.

    • Like 1
  6. anonymous whispered,


    Can you explain how being 'heteroromantic demisexual' is any different from, you know, being straight?




    Being heteroromantic and demisexual is different from being heterosexual in that I can only form sexual attraction/desires to males that I have a very deep emotional bond with. It’s different in the fact, that while I can find a stranger attractive I will never think “I’d do them” in any sense a heterosexual would other than joking until I know the person. Heteroromantic means that unless I have a deep emotional bond with the guy the only thing I’ll feel for them is platonic.


    I don’t see the point in one-night stands nor will I ever have any desire to have one.


    The short version is: Heterosexuals can feel and have sexual attraction to any guy (or girl, in the case of a guy) they see without a second thought.


    I, being heteroromantic demisexual can only feel platonic feelings for a guy, and until after, and only after I have a strong emotional connection with said guy can I feel sexual attraction towards them. (This does not mean that every guy I have a connection with, I’d have sex with.)

  7. oXADO.png



    My GF thinks I need to talk to a doctor about depression.


    Honestly if I was up to talking to a doctor I would want to discuss why my fucking hair continues to fall out and why my body hurts all of the time and I am so tired but I can’t sleep.


    But all the doctor is going to want to talk about is why I am so fat, so really I hardly see the point.

  8. A few months back, I was taking my dog for a walk when it was dark out. As I rounded the corner going back towards my house, I saw a man coming up the street. At first I thought it was my father, but as he drew closer I saw it wasn’t. It was a man I’d never seen before in my life, a large, muscular man, walking pretty quickly in my direction.


    My dog was a big dog, but at the time he was old and weak and I knew that if this man decided to attack me, my dog wouldn’t be able to protect me. I was absolutely terrified and didn’t know what to do, so I froze.


    The man walked right past me and didn’t pay the slightest attention to me. In fact, it was like he didn’t even know I was there, but I still felt nervous as I hurried home.


    Male privilege is not having to be terrified of strangers on the street. Male privilege is not having to worry about going out after dark in your own neighborhood.

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