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ispray safe

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  1. i'm pretty sure if you get charged with enough, graffiti could ruin your life, or if someone sees you in their train yard it willl
  2. i hit up a couple of busses about a month ago, i wasn't even closed to my house, mabye 20-30 miles away, just driving around looking for shit to hit up, we found 2 busses, a semi and a pick up security truck. after we were done i realized it was my bus, it was big talk at the school and everyone asked me about it and i denied it, but the cops investegated and they looked into our names and my friend got 60 counts agianst him becasue he tagged close to where he lived and he got charged. don't do it
  3. just stick with one story don't keep changing it
  4. ----this place is sweet, the prices are very good
  5. a fucking sweet idea, i normally just bring anout set of clothes in a bag and put em' on and leave the old ones and pick them up later....if a bum didn't steel them
  6. don't go to a train yard for a job.....
  7. this thread needs to go to hell, along with the guy who had enough free time to sniff all the spray paints known to man
  8. you should show up to court with paint on your fingers....
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