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Posts posted by WHERE Y'AT?

  1. 4 years ago is when everything changed man. And I know my fuckin history, I was trapped in my house for three fuckin days, homeless for the next three months, and yeah. born and raised son, it was fucked up for all of us, but way to pick your timing on comin across like an asshole.



    Nothing changed 4 years ago, hurricanes have been coming threw here since the beginning of time.

    The change started years before Katrina when the Feds started controlling the flow of the Mississippi river,

    started digging shipping channels & letting the oil & gas company's destroy our wet lands.


    Then throw in this so called levee system that they said would protect us from a Cat 3 storm (Katrina


    was a Cat 3 when it made landfall) you have the largest man made disaster in U.S. history.


    You go ring your little bell on the 29th and I will continue to be the "asshole" who brings facts.

    Hopefully we never lose lives again in the days after a storm.

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